1240p only boosts to 30W

Hi guys,
I just upgraded my mainboard from 1135g7 to 1240p. I have installed the new driver package (and windows 11 for that matter) but in Cinebench, my CPU only turbos to 30W. I have set the power settings to best performance. Is there something I am missing?
My framework is plugged in, but the psu only delivers about 30W. Is that the problem?

Thanks for your help

The 1240P PL1 is 30W.
It boosts up to ~60W until it thermal throttles (roughly 5 seconds or so) then immediately goes to 30W.

IIRC, the 60W boost has a dependency on whether the laptop is plugged in or not. And if this recollection is correct, then there’s also a question of what the minimum plugged-in power requirement to allow for the 60W boost to occur.

In my case, it doesnt go above 30W at all. I also dont get thermal throtteling.

That sounds reasonable. Do you know, where I can find that information?