16 on Windows 10 Frequently Staying Awake When In A bag

As the title suggests, I am experiencing frequent issues with my Framework 16 waking from sleep while it’s in my bag with the lid closed. I have run powercfg -lastwake and the counter remains 0.

I also went and made sure all USB Root Hubs have windows power management enabled, so that windows can disable them to conserve power when asleep.

What I do believe is the culprit is the 16’s touchpad. When the system is asleep, I can wake it by pressing on the touchpad. Given the Framework 16’s slightly elevated amount of flex, it is easy to accidentally press the touchpad through the display. I found placing the laptop in my backpack with the bottom facing toward me, the issue occurs less often.

While investigating ways to mitigate this, I learned that the touchpad is not listed as a wake_armed device in Windows. In fact, no device connected is. powercfg /devicequery wake_armed returns NONE. So it would seem that Framework is not giving full control over some devices to the OS - and as such, the OS cannot control what devices can or cannot wake it from sleep.

Framework, I implore you to do one of two things about this:

  1. Pass through device control to Windows.
  2. Add a setting in BIOS to disable the touch pad when the lid is closed, system is asleep, etc.

I am worried my device is going to completely cook itself in my bag one of these days. And I think I have paid far too much money for it that this is an issue. Trivial.

Welcome to the forum!

I was also experiencing issues where my Framework 16 would overheat whenever I placed it in my bag. I’m not sure if my situation was the same as yours, but I had my settings set so that the laptop would do nothing when I closed the lid. Turns out, whenever I closed the lid even if I pressed the power button to make it go to sleep, it would wake up.

Can you check if this occurs in your laptop? Close the lid enough to activate the lid close sensor, but keep a little bit open so you can see if the laptop turns on.

Yes, this is similar! However my settings are set to both put the laptop to sleep when the lid is closed, or when the power button is double-pressed. My framework seems to behave correctly when the lid is closed. It also seems to remain asleep just fine until there is outside stimulus.

One thing to note that I didn’t mention above, is that when the laptop is on and overheating in my bag, It’s also unresponsive. It will not accept any button presses, and the screen usually has the boot splashscreen “Framework”. I always have to long-press the power button to make it leave this locked up state.

I’m pretty sure this is a Windows issue. I’ve been experiencing this on and off recently with my Lenovo legion laptop. I now don’t use sleep mode, which is annoying. Tempted to try out Linux on my new FW16 when it arrives because of stuff like this.

Very much a Windows bug, unresolved for almost 2 years.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHKKcd3sx2c

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So the only way this makes sense in my situation, is if windows update is running while the laptop is asleep. Then, after an update is finished, it is commanded to reboot.

I think this because it doesn’t track any other way for the Framework spash screen to be on screen while the computer is overheating.

If this were an S0 sleep issue, wouldn’t that not be the case?