75% kb layout with dedicated Home/Pg Up/Pg Down/End?

I’ve been following framework for quite a long time (I was actually one of the original preorders before the official launch but cancelled my preorder). Over the years the one and only thing stopping me from purchasing is the complete lack of dedicated Home/Pg Up/Pg Down/End keys (alongside discrete insert/prt sc/delete), along the right side of the keyboard as is common among 75% keyboard layouts, even among competitors in ultra-slim laptop space like the HP Spectre.

The lack of these keys on the framework keyboards is simply a dealbreaker for me as I use those keys extensively for all purposes across productivity and browsing. I’ve seen many other people asking for this as well, so it’s something that would definitely be in demand, yet there seems to be no plans to make such a layout. As there are no big 3rd party keyboard developers for framework as of yet (seems like a costly venture due to keyboard tooling costs), I think first party support for a very common keyboard layout in significant recurring demand would be a beneficial endeavour for framework.


Agree on the dedicated navigation block, plus I would go little further and opt for

also very important - is to alighn the touch pad with the keyboard center, which is the position of the B key, or position between F and G keys


I agree, these suggestions make it more distinct from the current keyboard layout and thus more compelling and as shown can fit into laptop form factor


The current HP Spectre 16" and the 2021 HP Spectre x360 14" have a keyboard layout similar to that, but not the 13.5" models. [Beware, some recent HP Spectre keyboards replace the right Ctrl key with a fingerprint sensor, which ruins it for me. I look for a right Ctrl key comfortable for my pinky finger, not ring-finger fingernail, when other fingers are near the touch-typing home keys.]

Normal key pitch (distance from key to key) is 19mm. So keyboard width is about 19mm × 16 keys = 304mm.

The 2021 HP Spectre x360 14" is approximately 300mm wide (11.8"). The keyboard shaves about a quarter of a key width off the left edge keys to get down below 300mm.

The Framework Laptop 13 has a 13.5" screen and is 296mm wide (11.6"). The current keyboard is 294mm wide. So the Framework Laptop 13 needs double the width reduction for this keyboard: about a half of a keywidth removed.

Three possible approaches to get such a keyboard into a 296mm wide chassis:

A. the keyboard shaves 10mm/16 from all key widths (such as 18.375mm instead of 19mm from key to key). Or

B. the keyboard shaves a half of a key width off the keys on the left edge. Or

C. the keyboard shaves a quarter of a key width off keys on both the left and right edges.

Click the triangles below to see how various B and C layouts might look. (Edited with keyboard-layout-editor.com, where “raw data” can be pasted back for further editing.)

B1. ANSI layout with a half of a keywidth shaved off left edge keys

(Raw data for 86key-ANSI-trim-leftedge-half-keywidth)
[{f:3,w:1.25},"Caps Lock",{f:3},"A",{f:3},"S",{f:3},"D",{f:3},"F",{f:3},"G",{f:3},"H",{f:3},"J",{f:3},"K",{f:3},"L",{f:3},":\n;",{f:3},"\"\n'",{f:3,w:1.75},"Enter\n\n\n\n\n\n⤶",{f:3},"PgDn"],
B2. ISO layout with a half of a keywidth shaved off left edge keys

(Raw data for 87key-ISO-trim-leftedge-half-keywidth)
[{f:3,w:1.25},"Caps Lock",{f:3},"A",{f:3},"S",{f:3},"D",{f:3},"F",{f:3},"G",{f:3},"H",{f:3},"J",{f:3},"K",{f:3},"L",{f:3},":\n;",{f:3},"@\n'",{f:3},"~\n#",{x:0.75,f:3},"PgDn"],
B3. JIS layout with a half of a keywidth shaved off left edge keys

(Raw data for 90key-JIS-trim-leftedge-half-keywidth)
[{w:1.25},"Caps Lock","A\n\n\nち","S\n\n\nと","D\n\n\nし","F\n\n\nは","G\n\n\nき","H\n\n\nく","J\n\n\nま","K\n\n\nの","L\n\n\nり","+\n;\n\nれ","*\n:\n\nけ",{f:3},"}\n]\n」\nむ",{x:0.75},"Pg\n\n\n\n\n\nDn"],
C1. ANSI layout with a quarter of a keywidth shaved off left and right edge keys

(Raw data for 86key-ANSI-trim-leftrightedges-quarter-keywidth)
[{c:"#777777",t:"#ffffff",fa:[2,1],w:0.75,h:0.75},"Esc\nfn lock",{a:5,fa:[2,2],h:0.75},"🔈🗙\nF1",{fa:[2],h:0.75},"🔉\nF2",{h:0.75},"🔊\nF3",{h:0.75},"◀◀\nF4",{h:0.75},"▶‖\nF5",{h:0.75},"▶▶\nF6",{h:0.75},"🔅\nF7",{h:0.75},"🔆\nF8",{h:0.75},"💻🖵\nF9",{fa:[1],h:0.75},"🗦🗼🗧\nF10",{h:0.75},"\nF11",{f:3,h:0.75},"⛭\nF12",{fa:[2],w:0.75,h:0.75},"PrtSc",{a:4,f:3,w:0.75,h:0.75},"Ins",{f:3,w:0.75,h:0.75},"Del"],
[{f:3,w:1.5},"Caps Lock",{f:3},"A",{f:3},"S",{f:3},"D",{f:3},"F",{f:3},"G",{f:3},"H",{f:3},"J",{f:3},"K",{f:3},"L",{f:3},":\n;",{f:3},"\"\n'",{f:3,w:1.75},"Enter\n\n\n\n\n\n⤶",{f:3,w:0.75},"Pg\n\n\n\n\n\nDn"],
C2. ISO layout with a quarter of a keywidth shaved off left and right edge keys

(Raw data for 87key-ISO-trim-leftrightedges-quarter-keywidth)
[{c:"#777777",t:"#ffffff",f2:1,w:0.75,h:0.75},"Esc\nfn lock",{a:5,fa:[2,2],h:0.75},"🔈🗙\nF1",{fa:[2],h:0.75},"🔉\nF2",{h:0.75},"🔊\nF3",{h:0.75},"◀◀\nF4",{h:0.75},"▶‖\nF5",{h:0.75},"▶▶\nF6",{h:0.75},"🔅\nF7",{h:0.75},"🔆\nF8",{h:0.75},"💻🖵\nF9",{fa:[1],h:0.75},"🗦🗼🗧\nF10",{h:0.75},"\nF11",{f:3,h:0.75},"⛭\nF12",{fa:[2],w:0.75,h:0.75},"PrtSc",{a:4,f:3,w:0.75,h:0.75},"Ins",{f:3,w:0.75,h:0.75},"Del"],
[{f:3,w:1.5},"Caps Lock",{f:3},"A",{f:3},"S",{f:3},"D",{f:3},"F",{f:3},"G",{f:3},"H",{f:3},"J",{f:3},"K",{f:3},"L",{f:3},":\n;",{f:3},"@\n'",{f:3},"~\n#",{x:0.75,f:3,w:0.75},"Pg\n\n\n\n\n\nDn"],
C3. JIS layout with a quarter of a keywidth shaved off left and right edge keys

(Raw data for 90key-JIS-trim-leftrightedges-quarter-keywidth)
[{c:"#777777",t:"#ffffff",f2:1,w:0.75,h:0.75},"Esc\nfn lock",{a:5,fa:[2,2],h:0.75},"🔈🗙\nF1",{fa:[2],h:0.75},"🔉\nF2",{h:0.75},"🔊\nF3",{h:0.75},"◀◀\nF4",{h:0.75},"▶‖\nF5",{h:0.75},"▶▶\nF6",{h:0.75},"🔅\nF7",{h:0.75},"🔆\nF8",{h:0.75},"💻🖵\nF9",{fa:[1],h:0.75},"🗦🗼🗧\nF10",{h:0.75},"\nF11",{f:3,h:0.75},"⛭\nF12",{fa:[2],w:0.75,h:0.75},"PrtSc",{a:4,f:3,w:0.75,h:0.75},"Ins",{f:3,w:0.75,h:0.75},"Del"],
[{w:1.5},"Caps Lock","A\n\n\nち","S\n\n\nと","D\n\n\nし","F\n\n\nは","G\n\n\nき","H\n\n\nく","J\n\n\nま","K\n\n\nの","L\n\n\nり","+\n;\n\nれ","*\n:\n\nけ",{f:3},"}\n]\n」\nむ",{x:0.75,w:0.75},"Pg\n\n\n\n\n\nDn"],
1 Like

Under 300mm wide: The 2021-2023 HP Aero 13 are popular 16:10 13.3" HP laptops with the navigation column of Home/PageUp/PageDn/End keys, though it has half-height up/down arrow keys. It seems to be about 297 or 298mm wide (11.72"), which is only a couple mm wider than the 296mm of the Framework Laptop 13.

Sadly, HP might be discontinuing this keyboard, as the 2024 model seems to lack those keys in early previews.

Meanwhile, anyone has good laptop recommendations with said 75% keyboards?
I checked out all mentioned here already, alwayssomething wrong with them - weirdly often missing INS key