ACPI sleep - Framework 13 Ryzen / FreeBSD 14.2

Hi - I’ve just started running FreeBSD 14.2 on my Framework 13 Ryzen, set up by my usual setup scripts.

Things are going great! The Intel WiFi board I purchased is working with the iwlwifi drivers (albeit slowly; but that was expected). Even the USB-C based Ethernet port works. The graphics also run fine with amdgpu.

The only remaining issue that’s vexing me is the inability to suspend or resume. If I look at what’s available:

$ sysctl hw.acpi.supported_sleep_state
hw.acpi.supported_sleep_state: S4 S5

So obviously trying to sleep in S3 fails with:

$ sudo acpiconf -s 3
acpiconf: request sleep type (3) failed: Operation not supported

If I try -s 4, the screen blanks, but the power light stays on, and ditto the keyboard backlight. Pressing the power button does nothing at this point; I have to hard reset the machine.

A similar behaviour happens on halt -p. The system halts, but does not power off, leaving the power button and keyboard illuminated.

I tried looking through the docs but couldn’t find any indication of whether (a) I need a particular kernel module for this hardware, or (b) what the state of suspend / resume is on the Framework.

Anyone have any guidance / docs suggestions / etc.? :pray:

[This is cross-posted to the FreeBSD forum.]

Looks like the answer is - it’s a work in progress :crossed_fingers:

freebsd-on-framework (on GitHub, but I can’t link to it because I’m a new user) links to these two code reviews:

So I just need to hurry up and wait :smile_cat:

At least as it pertains to AMD - you need more than those links you sent.

Most notably if the USB4 routers are not in the proper state you can’t reach a hardware sleep state.

So someone needs to implement the USB4 specification.