AMD AI 300 Series - Will AX210 No-vPro Wifi Card Work?

Hi Team,

I just pre-ordered the AMD AI 5 340 to replace my 11th Gen Intel board. I know none of these boards are out yet, but can anybody from the Framework team (or at large) say if there will be absolutely no support using the existing AX-210 No-vPro? Or is this just a wait and see when the boards start to roll out? I know I will have to buy RAM but would like to keep my wifi card if I can.

Given that these wifi cards worked on the prior Ryzen generation I am hoping the answer is yes.

You should be able to install the driver and use the card. My understanding is that the card follow an standard interface and should work on any computer with an nvme slot.


Unless there is somekind of BIOS issue, AX210 should work like normal.