You often need to click on the text box to start typing into it, but when I click on it after moving the touchpad it won’t register. If I just tap it without moving, it’s fine. If I move it, it’s fine. I have to do both to reproduce it.
Even in this text box if I first click on it with the touchpad and then start typing, the first keypress won’t register. Anyone else have this issue?
If you have tapping enabled (rather than only allowing the click switch under the touchpad to produce mouse clicks), I think this may just be part of the way it tries to avoid detecting extra taps when you don’t want them.
but it’s not registering TYPING
I tested it some more, after moving the finger a bit on the touchpad, I don’t need to click if the text field is in focus. The next key press either:
1, Won’t be registered
2. Will register and start repeating even though I didn’t hold the key down
I tried a few settings changes, like turning off “disable while typing” for the touchpad, but it had no effect
Is this with Windows or Linux?
By any chance, are you using any power saving software such as powertop?
I am, how would I test if this is the issue?
The simplest thing would be to disable it and see if you still have the issue. You can set the keyboard to be excluded from power savings. I had spurious key repeats or failures to pick up the first keypress until I did so. I’m using power-options on my system and it’s just a checkbox, to exclude it, but with powertop or tlp you can adjust the configuration. I don’t recall those exact steps as it has been a while, but there typically are pretty good explanations in the arch wiki.
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Ah, that did it, I’ll try TLP and report back
edit: TLP does the same tuning but avoids tuning the USB devices which fixed this issue
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