Apple Studio Display: Any experiences?

Anybody on here’s who’s tried to hook up one or two Apple Studio Displays to the 13-inch?

Can it work at 5K?

So far I only understand that Apple doesn’t do MST at all, hence the question on multiple screens.

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Daisy chaining them, even with MST is a stretch, two cables may work. But I don’t have one yet to test.

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The 13 inch is able to drive both displays, but your experience with both hooked up while doing anything resource intensive may vary. I’m currently running a 13inch MBP thats reasonably specced from 2020 and it can chug sometimes with 2 of the 5k LG displays plugged in especially while doing renders or scrubbing high def footage in video edits. Using 1 external display and the internal one gives me a far smoother experience regardless of what I’m doing.

EDIT: I am using two seperate ports just to clarify and Apple Support explained that they do not officially support driving two monitors of that size, only the one.


Well I don’t have two to test but I have one. It seems to be working pretty well. And yeah it handles 5k. I’m using Fedora 38. It detected 2 displays for some reason but I disabled the mystery one and works fine. So yeah if you wanna use it with a Studio Display it will definitely work. It also charges it

Don’t mind the radios this is my dad’s desk lol


Cool desk you have there @ThatOneGuy :slight_smile:
btw, no noticeable uptick in resource usage when displaying in 5k?

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Thanks! I didn’t really check that to be honest. It didn’t seem like it was struggling at all with it. I didn’t have it plugged in for very long. Based off my short testing though I think it will be fine

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Do the peripherals work?
Webcam, speakers and mic?

I’m back to report that the experience is flawless! Everything works with the Framework AMD 13!

I am using bluefin without any rpm-ostree changes.

  • USB-C video out
  • USB-C hub
  • Webcam
  • Mic
  • Speakers

One thing that I could not change however (but I haven’t poked around yet) is the brightness controls.