Batches Shipping Log

I don’t know, haven’t asked, haven’t been informed.
Yes, I’m waiting on the Friday, 10th (their time) update, (which will be Saturday notification for CST-AU time).

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This person claimed, they got it on Monday, so the first one getting the laptop sets the date.

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that’s just when the first reported laptop landed in a customer’s hands in the batch, not when all laptops have been delivered.

OK, FedEx must have read my post, and delivered my laptop just now.

The only problem is that the box seems to be too small. I do not have the time to open it now, but I hope it is not, by mistake, a 13" model…

I think it’s almost impossible for that to happen and you pretty much can rest assured that you got a 16" laptop if you ordered one.

Batch 14 shipped.

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OK, so I (Batch 16) have been pretty chill about my laptop’s delivery date but now I’m checking this forum every day. Be still, my beating :heart: !


Batch 15 preparing email last night. So excited!


Batch 16 as well, and I’ve been checking every day too! I’m so stupidly excited to finally get the laptop! I’ve loved the FW13, but now I’m upgrading to the FW16 so I can finally use Fusion360 and play games on my laptop!


Mine has a sticker on the end of the box showing the model number.

My batch 14 just shipped this morning. USA.


Batch 14 - Just started shipping to ON, Canada. ETA is ~6 days.

Batch 14, mine was shipped yesterday and delivered today. DIY Ryzen 9 with GPU.

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Looks like the next emails go out the day of, or the day after cards for the previous batch are charged. That makes sense, they verify they have enough machines, make the charges, and then send out the alert to the next group. I can’t wait (Clan B16) - Mark

Batch 14, mine was delivered this morning.

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Batch 15, card got charged

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B15 charged. Can’t wait!

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Batch 15, card charged.

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As promised, Framework support has provided us with an email update (Batch 12 Australia)

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I’m in batch 13-Australia, also suffering a delay.
Framework is informing me that they had difficulties with finding a suitable Carrier that is capable of delivery but think they have " …identified alternative shipping solutions…" and “…are currently conducting trial shipments”. Nothing said to do with customs for Batch 13.
I wonder if this delay has been caused by the aggro between Australia and China.