Built in microphone not detected by Framework16

The built in microphone on my new Framework16 is not showing as a device. I have enabled the switch for it and the camera, and the camera works fine but the mic is not seen by the system. It is enabled in the setting/sound/input.

It does not show in device manager either.

Any thoughts?


In the bios there is a setting for windows audio and linux audio do you have it set to windows audio?
I don’t know if that effects the mic or just the speakers but it can’t hurt to check.

Just checked and it was set to Windows. I moved to Linux and then back to Windows and did the Exit Save Changes.

No change. Mic not seen still.

Check your bezel switches. Off literally removes the connection to the mic. It’s not a software off/mute switch.

That was the first thing I checked. Moved the physical switch by the mic back and forth several times and no change. The camera turned on and off by its switch perfectly fine.

I have been in contact with Framework support and completed several troubleshooting steps at their direction. The mic works fine when I plug in my Sennheiser headphones thru the audio adapter module. I have completely removed the mic/camera module and re-installed it with no change.

Framework support is going to RMA the mic/camera module.

I’m curious if this got resolved. I have the same problem.

They ended up sending me a replacement laptop that had a working microphone. The first attempt was them sending me a new microphone/camera module but after I installed that the mic still did not work. They then agreed to an RMA for the laptop.

I think i might have the same problem :frowning_face: I have a red microphone icon in the top bar (Fedora40) going to try windows 11

Everyone complains my mike is unitelligable on skype