CTRL-ALT-F12 Locks my Pop!_OS laptop. How to stop this?

I’m running Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS, and whenever I hit CTRL-ALT-F12 my laptop freezes. This is a problem, because SHIFT-ALT-F12 is the “close all subwindows” shortcut for Android Studio, and I’m constantly getting the two of them confused.

What’s going on, and how to I prevent this in the future?

I believe CTRL+ALT+F12 should try to send you to a tty session. So I am not sure it is something you can easily change.

When you accidentally hit Ctr+Alt+F12, you should be able to get back with Ctr+Alt+F7.

I read some say those Ctr+Alt+F* hotkeys are hardcoded into the kernel, and you can’t change them. Yet, I’ve read a couple methods that claim to work for changing them. But I would advise you not mess with that. It might break things. And those hotkeys serve as a sort of last resort at times. If your desktop becomes frozen, you switch to tty & restart your desktop, or if nothing else you can safely shutdown from command line there.
Instead, just change Android Studio’s shortcut.

But... since one shouldn't withhold infomation (click for links)

Not sure if these work, I won’t try them.

Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS should be using Xorg, unless you switched to wayland. I see some instructions for both.

Again, I’d warn not to follow these instructions.
Changing the TTY switch shortcut - #4 by dmt - Support - Manjaro Linux Forum

x11 - Rebinding/disabling CTRL+ALT+F# Virtual Terminal/Console Switching - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange