Davinci Resolve on FW 16 (Windows)

I just thought I’d share my experience so far with Davinci Resolve on the FW 16. This is preliminary and anecdotal. I haven’t done any in-depth testing with timed comparisons or anything. This is on a 7840HS with 7700S GPU. I was connected to an external, 4K monitor.

This initial testing was also done with a 60W Framework power supply, which turned out to be woefully insufficient and likely impacted performance. My experience the last couple years in Davinci was on a Mac Studio with M1 Max processor. So I’ll be making a few comparisons to that.

The first thing I noticed, is that when switching between sections of Resolve for the first time after opening the program, such as from the editing page to the color page, there are occasionally little pauses. Like, I click color and it takes a couple seconds before the color page pops up. Even more noticeable, is that when I start making a color adjustments for the first time, the changes initially take about 10+ seconds to start showing up. However, once any page opens or once the changes finally start showing up, it’s butter smooth from there. I can make changes that show up in perfect, non-delayed, real time. So despite these little pauses once in a while, it’s great.

Even a 4K timeline with 4K, 10 bit, 4.2.2, H265 files will play and scrub with total fluidity and zero issue. So that’s great. The fans do ramp up quite a bit during this. Even just playing back those files on a 1080p timeline will make the fans spin up and will make the battery life slowly drop while plugged into a 60 watt charger. But it’s totally smooth for me.

Compared to the Mac studio I used to use, it’s a bit of a wash. On the M1 Max, it would sometimes chug a bit with a 4K timeline when certain affects were applied to the clips, or when making certain color changes. On the other hand, I never had those little pauses when switching pages and such. Granted, those pauses could be as much down to Windows vs. Mac OS. So it’s tough to say.

Rendering is where I really had reason to wonder what was going on. I’m hoping that it was just due to the 60 watt power supply. The next project I do (not sure when that will be) I will be using the 180 watt Framework power supply. Initially, it was rendering okay, but not quite as fast as the Mac. It was rendering at around 70-90 FPS, while I’d normally get 100-115 on the Mac Studio. No big deal, and again, I would’t be surprised if it’s faster with the 180w power adapter. However, there were times when I literally just had a still jpg image on the timeline and when rendering those frames, it would drop to 6-8 FPS. That’s normally when the Mac would jump to 150+FPS because it’s just a still image. Bizarre. Also, the fans didn’t spin up as much during rendering as they did while simply playing the timeline. This is particularly strange because the battery was actually dropping faster during rendering than it was during editing. Maybe more load was on the GPU at that point and it wasn’t heating up as much as the CPU was during editing? Not sure. Like I said, I wasn’t monitoring stats or anything. This is just how it “felt” in use.

Overall, totally usable and smooth for 4K editing in Resolve. It’s unfortunate that the rendering was so much slower than I’m used to. However, certain things, such as noise reduction, would make the Mac drop to the single digits or low double digits FPS while rendering, but I didn’t do any of that in this project, so I’m interested to see how the FW 16 will handle it. I’m thinking the GPU may help, but we’ll see. I’m also hoping the 180w power supply will make a difference.

Anyway, that’s my first experience editing in Davinci Resolve with the FW 16. I’ll update after I do another project. In the meantime, I may also check to be sure Resolve is using the dedicated GPU and not the iGPU. If I find out anything interesting in that regard, I’ll report that as well.

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Just did a quick test. I tested with the 180W power supply and had AMD Adrenalin up while rendering a section of the project. It is definitely utilizing the dedicated GPU as well as the iGPU. It was pulling 60-ish watts from the 7700S and around 30 watts from the 780m. CPU utilization was very low.

With the 180W power supply, performance was noticeably better. 108 FPS during normal sections, and 8 FPS when rendering the static .jpgs instead of 70-90 and 6.5-7 FPS.

All of this testing was with Windows performance mode set to “balanced.” Next time I’ll try it with Windows set to “performance” to see what/if any difference it makes.

Where did you connect the 4K Monitor? USB-C on the back of the GPU module, or on HDM/DB?
I noticed the intermittent stuttering too (happening when the system is switching from internal to external GPU). And I also noticed that the display is not “smooth” on the external screens compared to the laptop screen. 60Hz vs. 1xx Hz.

Try to connect the 4K screen to the GPU built-in USB-C port. It draws more power, but is way smoother from experience.

PS: For video editing, I started using KDEnlive. Kind of find it almost more intuitive.

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I’ll have to check KDEnlive out.

I do have the monitor connected to one of the normal ports, not the port on the GPU. However, I don’t think it’s the whole screen freezing, just certain aspects of Davinci. I can still move the mouse and interact with certain aspects of the interface. It’s just Davinci chugging for whatever reason. It only seems to happen the first time I do certain things, so it’s not a significant issue. Still, I may try connecting the monitor directly to the GPU, just to see how that goes.

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Davinci resolve does not like Wayland + AMD GPU. So useless for me. Will not adapt my system to software.

Did a bit more with Davinci yesterday. Unfortunately, it was a frustrating experience. I think in the several years of running Davinci on Mac, I may have had one crash. I don’t know if it’s an AMD issue, Davinci issue, or a Windows issue, but I bet it crashed 8-10 times on me yesterday. I never lost any progress and it starts back up pretty quick, but it’s still frustrating.

Also, I was using the 180W power supply and had Windows set to “performance.” Performance was fine (I didn’t render. I was just coloring and editing). But that fan noise…wow. The fans would spin down pretty quick when I wasn’t doing much, but as soon as I started making adjustments on the color tab or scrubbing through the timeline, the fans would crank up and get surprisingly loud. Not a huge deal, but a bit of a bummer, since my Mac Studio was never even audible.

Overall, I’m still happy with the performance, and it’s nice that I could use it to edit on the go, if needed. But the fan noise is a bit loud. And I really hope a patch comes out to fix that crashing. I used to run Davinci on a Windows machine years ago and it almost never crashed. So, hopefully it will get fixed.

Are you on Davinci 19 beta 3 ? Beta versions are known for crashing from time to time on various hardware.

Also on windows 11 for now, anything else than “best power efficiency” battery setting leads to way too much fan noise for me (on pretty much any apps). We need fan control at some point.

No, still on 18. 18.6, I believe. It seemed to crash in a fairly specific place most of the time, so I submitted a report. Basically, on the color page, after making some changes, when I’d hit play on the preview window, it was like I hit the X to close the program. I think it might have crashed in one other situation as well, but I can’t remember for sure.

Yeah, as long as the performance is good enough, I’ll probably run on balanced or best efficiency next time to avoid the fan noise. Though, if it noticeably hampers performance, I’ll probably just deal with the fan noise.

Just thought I’d provide a little update. I’ve done a few more projects, and I don’t know if it’s due to a Windows update or what, but I haven’t had another crash since that first project. I even worked quite a bit more on that project a week or so ago and no crashes. I did a couple more projects on version 18.6 and one project on 19 once it prompted me to download the new version. A couple weird slowdowns on 19 the first time I ran it, but otherwise, no issues. No crashes on 19, though I’ve only done one project on there so far.

I also found that one of the big reasons the fans were screaming so much while playing or scrolling the timeline is because I was using H265, 10 bit, 4.2.2. files. Apparently, the 7700S doesn’t have hardware decoding for those files. So it was likely just hammering the CPU. I did my next two projects in All-Intra, 10 bit, 4.2.2 to see how it would compare. Definitely less fan ramping while editing.

Overall, performance is good and there are no hitches or issues while scrolling around a 4K timeline. The fans are loud-ish, and often get really loud. So be prepared for that. Always audible, and sometimes sounds like it’s trying to take off. But once I get editing, I mostly stop noticing the fan noise and everything is smooth and fast. If you don’t need the computer to be portable, you’d be better off building a desktop machine that would surely walk all over the FW 16 for the same money. But the FW 16 does just fine with Davinci Resolve if you need a portable machine and don’t mind some fan noise.

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