Dbrand Framework Skins Up

The important question is, Can you scan all the QR codes still without issue? LOL

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a Google lens search of the image has the QR codes going to the dbrand extortion page.


Robot camo looks really nice. I think I’d like it more with the FW logo cutout.

They all appear to go someplace mysterious!

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DBrand is a bunch of Mad Lads :rofl:

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I love seeing all the different combinations everyone has picked, I personally am a big fan of the pastel colour options c:

I especially Like how you can customise what colours you want for like the trackpad etc :open_mouth: instead of them all being preset

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Gotta catch em all!


DBrand just relaeased a video for applying the skins!


Just pulled the trigger on a White Marble kit. Was kinda looking at Mahogany, but that color and the sides being uncovered wasn’t doing it for me.

Edit: Mine came in, a day earlier than tracking had me thinking.


Checking in with my teardown and red carbon fiber skins!


That teardown one is so cool.

Made in collaboration with JerryRigEverything, our Teardown skin uses an optically clear gloss finish to ensure you see every dollar you wasted.

I wish they could do two separate piece. One for the display and the other for the palmrest/chassis.

o they literally have expansion card skins. Although it’s about 6x as much as I am willing to pay them.
Framework 15 inch when?

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Just applied my Dbrand Deluxe Kit. For OCD-types (such as myself), applying these skins made it to my top ten list of most nerve-racking experiences in my career as a human being. Having said that, I’m VERY happy with the result. Total application time for me was around 2-hours (quite a few re-applications of pretty much every skin, with a liberal amount of expletives sprinkled in).

I ordered the Pastel Black kit (which is actually grey). The skin blends well with the anodized aluminum case, while still providing a distinctive contrast. The resulting aesthetic reminds me of Sci-Fi equipment props (e.g., Star Trek movies and later series), which I quite like.


For the OCD-types…many so-called ‘black’ are actually grey…because the material’s inability to not reflect any light.

For example:

In short: If something is truly black, you cannot visually (by eyes) tell what shape the object is in.

If someone goes and paint their Framework with Black 3.0, that’d be fun to see / can’t see.

Imagine painting a room with vantablack…and then also paint everything else with the same paint. You’ll have a hard time finding anything in it. (Good luck finding the door knob to get out as well)


The day before yesterday, I pre-ordered the arctic digital camo skin because I thought that it would fit well with the exposed metal bits of the Framework. Not sure which one I’ll receive first, the skin or the laptop!

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I received and installed the Arctic Camo skin! I think that it matches well the laptop’s aluminum body. My choice was between the Arctic Camo and the Robot Camo (which I really really like), but I chose the Arctic one because the difference between the aluminum body and the skin isn’t as striking as for the Robot Camo.

Thought I’d let you all see what it looks like. Sorry for the super shallow depth of field, but I had no nice background in the whole house and it’s raining outside, so I used the inside of a sleeping bag as the background.


And I thought White Marble worked nicely with the chassis. Congrats on the Arctic Camo, man

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Does it negatively affect the passive thermal dissipation in any humanly observable degree?

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@Mad_Alchemist Thanks! I like White Marble and Concrete, as well! They look really good with the chassis!

@Second_Coming No sir, not that I can see! Mind you, I didn’t note the temps before and after. Right now, my CPU is running at 45°C. But it’s 15°C in my room according to my 3D printer sensors. :joy:

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I got the Matt White Kit and applied it a couple of days ago. While I am nearly happy with how it looks (it’s a tad too white for my taste, but I am getting used to it), I didn’t expect the Matt to be as coarse to touch as it is.

I am split between getting rid of it or getting something else that’s soft to touch. Can folks with anything other than the Matt versions tell me if those are softer? Arctic Camo is the only other design I like (as it blends rather well with the Silver), but I am also swinging towards the Matrix.

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Never tried a skin before. How do the skins from dbrand fare against fingerprints?

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