Early firmware lagging

BIOS and bootloaders seem to lag when certain expansion cards are inserted. The same issue apparently existed on the FW13, where the DP expansion card appeared to be the culprit. Thusfar the 250GB expansion card is giving me the same issues, where keypresses take 1-2 seconds each in both the BIOS and GRUB. Removing the card resolved all issues immediately (no reboot required to take effect).

Additionally, I noticed this does not only affect keypresses themselves. I went ahead to torture myself by very carefully entering my 20ch+ password into GRUB to decrypt my boot partition, which after half an hour I had to abort as it was taking too long. After the expansion card removal this process only took up to 10 seconds, which leads me to believe the cards are hammering the CPU/IO somehow.

Anyone else having similar issues on the FW16 as well?