Ethernet Expansion Card

At the risk of derailing the thread - that’s really cool. But things must be tricky with the border closed, first with both countries, then with one but not the other…though I suppose since your place of work seems to be in both countries, you must have an exemption.


For the official ethernet expansion card (or even a popular third-party one like @Josh_Cook), it would be so cool if @Kieran_Levin could integrate a UEFI driver for the chipset[1] into the firmware image; that should make PXE boot and netinstall possible, as well as preboot fleet management. Vendors typically provide those drivers, after all!

[1]: whichever chipset you end up with; I’ve got no horse in that race :slight_smile:


I’d prefer that functionality be limited to those who request that functionality i.e. those that purchase vPro processors and network cards

I would prefer having as many enterprise management functions removed, most consumers will have no need for them and they offer a method for bad actors to access a machine remotely

Maintaining 2 different firmware revisions would be difficult I admit-perhaps this will incentivize coreboot porting


The bios has the realtek UNDI driver, you should be able to use it with a number of realtek chipset usb dongles if you enable the boot->network stack option in the bios.
I have not done much validation of this, so YMMV. It is defaulted to disabled.


No big deal, I’m using a cypress GX3.


Would anyone like to help in creating the ethernet card? The GitHub repo is with the compressed kiCad project file. Whoever helps me will be credited on the PCB. PCB design guidelines by Cypress:


Any reason why you’re sharing the zip and pdf on GitHub? Makes contributing and tracking changes harder than if the source files were in the repo directly.


I do not understand what you mean, the zip file has everything inside of it. Makes it a bit easier so you only have to download 1 file instead of multiple files.

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The idea behind collaborative open source projects on GitHub is that a collaborator clones the repository, modifies individual files, and submits a pull request to improve the project.
When a project has only one zip file, git can’t track changes to individual files and merges require a lot of manual work.
There are various write-ups about how to structure hardware design projects in git, but here’s one you may be able to reference as a starting point.


Ah that makes sense, I’ll modify that.


@dkt01 Updated. Everything should be all good now.


Bloody hell, would you like a card that has interference because there are power signals right next to high speed signals, I’m trying my best to use the smallest I can while being compatible with the laptop and to be hand assembled. My basic outline for the board was using frameworks enclosures but had to extend because the main chip, Ethernet jack was way too large for the standard size. You should be grateful that someone is taking time out of their education and life to design a product for someone to think that I am doing a low effort job. Even with 8P8C I cannot fit it without a hump and anyways 8P8C requires a special adapter. I dare you to try for yourself. Have a look at this one

It’s a little bit smaller than my one but it’s quite similar so with thermals and everything in mind mine has no problems. Have a look through this thread, I’ve gotten mostly praise.


Honestly @Josh_Cook I’m impressed a 13yo is doing this, yes indeed I am

It would be nice to see a 2.5Gb Ethernet but tbh, I’ve never needed more than gigabit and one step at a time, better to finish this project and get it off the ground than to succumb to feature creep and end up with nothing at the end


You get the right to say that if you are a hardware engineer or otherwise have design experience

Really that’s not even constructive criticism, it’s just mean


@Josh_Cook completely irrelevant to the topic but if you leave a link in its own line it becomes one boxed or click on the chain to create a link using just a word

It just looks nicer and is easier to read

Just fyi if you didn’t know


@GhostLegion Thanks, 2.5 GBe is planned but gigabit is much more widely used from what I have seen, with that I probably will have to check thermals as anything above gigabit tends to get hot.


Dude, it was a joke. I see people here asking for the impossible.

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Mate, that’s just disgusting behaviour.


I shouldn’t be reconsidering my design you should be reconsidering your life choices. I do not love to get offfended, it in no way seems like a joke.


I got the joke. He was going for a sarcastic “what do you mean you’re limited by the laws of physics? You must not be trying hard enough!” type joke to highlight how ludicrous some of the demands from people on here were.

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