Feature Request Megathread - Input Module

Feature Request Megathread - Input Module

I’m going to call it “the deck” even if that isn’t its name.

After the launch event I was really excited by the dedicated GPU in the Framework 16, so much so that I didn’t realize how important the deck might be. Now that all of that excitement has worn off it has been replace with excitement for the deck.

I have realized that there are endless possibilities for the deck, one of which is a drawing tablet. Now, it could be said that I’m just an “ideas man” so I am looking for input. if any of you are in the know, how hard would it be to create a drawing tablet for the deck? I’ve done some of my own searching but haven’t really found any ways that you could make one. other than tearing down an existing one then finding a way to make it fit into the deck.


@Matthew_Abbott Oooh, that’s true! There is a lot of possibility there, and a drawing tablet type part would be amazing!

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Before I tell you my idea, I want to clarify some things. This is IN NO WAY intending to imply: One, that I am creating this myself, and two, that I am the absolute most knowledgeable in this regard. I am simply suggesting features that I would like to see in some future products or revisions of the framework laptop (both 13 and 16). With that out of the way, here is my idea! With the ability to swap keyboard modules on the fly, it may be an interesting idea to introduce some new control options, such as gamepads! There could be multiple types of controllers. Arcade style controls with big buttons, a more standard controller design with smaller buttons that are on the side, so you could use the framework laptop sort of like a handheld console, and more! To ensure that the laptop can still close with these controls, instead of the traditional analogue stick, it could instead use a circle pad, kind of like the one on the Nintendo 3DS and perhaps it could use hall effect circle pads, to prevent drift. This would be especially useful on the Framework 16, since it having a dedicated GPU means people buying it probably want to game on it. That is my idea for a new feature that framework could implement. If you have anything to add, let me know! Just know that I will probably take a long time to respond. Thanks!

Edit: I only just now realized that the “Input Module” category is not referring to the “module for button input” A.K.A. the keyboard, but rather is referring to the “sliders” as I will call them that go beside the keyboard on the 16" specifically. Sorry about that.

I like that idea.

Im not sure where the contacts are and if it is technically possible, but:

On the 16" there are these 2 little spacer left and right from the keyboard. It would be cool to swap them out and instead of them we could attach a controller-like bar. So it would be sth like the controllers on the Nintendo Switch. But not that thick. You would have some buttons and one joystick on each side.

More difficult would be the 2 shoulder-buttons on each side, which you have on modern controllers. Because how would you add them and where (seems a bit difficult to attach them one the “shoulder” of the laptop). But maybe there is a fancy way to do it.

Yeah, I think this idea is way more of a possibility than some of my other ideas. Would probably be pretty easy for them to implement.

I know, that there was someone working to get the great keyboard working via bluetooth/IR, but I can’t find it at the moment.
Was there any progress?

I’ve searched around on here a bit, and it looks like there’s a fair amount of interest in a split ortholinear option (along the lines of the Ergodox or the Corne ). But trying to develop such a thing from scratch for a relatively small market is going to be cost prohibitive.

I propose that instead of building from scratch, it should be possible to just mount 2 macropads in the space where the keyboard would normally be. It seems like this ought to work with some firmware changes and an adapter board that just relocates the connections. Maybe also add a few buttons to the adapter to replicate the thumb clusters.

I figured I’d throw this idea out there for some initial feedback before I sink a bunch of time into trying to make it happen. Does this sound like a plausible idea?


Seems reasonable, especially if there are single key options for those “few thumb buttons” as mentioned here: Input Module Keyboard Switches - #7 by nrp

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I think it could be cool to be able to remove the keyboard on the framework 16 slot it into an external dock and use the keyboard on another device.

I wouldn’t even know where to start.


I shared that though with a friend yesterday. I do really like typing on the framework keyboards and it will make a great reuse of any keyboard in the future as well.
We could also make differents sizes “easily”, 100%, 65% etc…

I’d like a single touchpad in place of the number pad so I can disable the pad below the keyboard.

Sometimes in a cramped space like an airplane seat, you just don’t have the space to move your arm back that far to use it comfortably. It would also solve issues someone might have if palm detection isn’t working (looking at you Xubuntu).

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I use a lot of knobs while producing music, mostly on midi controllers. Just thought about how cool it would be to have those same knobs, perhaps smaller or more suited to the Framework laptop, meant to be modular like how the numpad is.
These could also be mapped to different things, like the system volume, brightness, night mode tint, individual app outputs, etc. Could be very cool if there are good haptics too, to give a more rounded and complete feel to the knobs and buttons.

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I have had similar thoughts, but the problem seems to be there is no space for knobs in the space available for the keyboard, it is too thin.


Shallow knobs :slight_smile:

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It’s the encoder for the knobs that would be hard to fit. Though I recall running across some very thin encoders, I’ll try to find them again and see if they are thin enough.


hall encoders might be thin enough

But I don’t think you could easily use a hall effect encoder with QMK, the firmware other input modules are using. There is no built-in function for hall effect sensors. You’d have to add in a custom function. Whereas a mechanical encoder, you just drop it in and it works. I know Ploppy co has a custom function for optical encoders, but I don’t imagine it would be easy to create one of them which fits.

So you guys think it could be possible? If this were really possible it would be really cool to have. It would allow to have the numpad part of the keyboard with knobs and other controllers and use it for live music effects or even to facilitate music and video editing on the go, without the need of carrying an external usb device.

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