Disclaimer: newbie to the world of Linux.
My setup:
- Framework 13 AMD Ryzen
- Fedora 40.
- using external monitor
I have a bluetooth keyboard and an Apple Magic Trackpad. I have used both devices with no problems with my previous laptops (HP/Win11 and MacbookPro).
Now, I can connect these device my framework laptop. But after the laptop suspends (the lid closed as I am using an external monitor), I am unable to wake it. I have to open the lid for the laptop to wake and only then I am able to connect both device and login.
I have been reading online about enabling power/awake for all USB devices. For example: wireless - Wake up from suspend using USB device - Ask Ubuntu
I have tried doing so, but I am not able to find my devices among the USB products.
I can find them through dmesg but I see that these devices are living in a completely different path (e.g devices/virtual/misc/uhid/0005:004D:0265.0007/input/input18).
Perhaps I am missing something. But can somebody help me finding the right configuration to enable these bluetooth device to wake my laptop from suspend?