Fingerprint sensor rapidly uses all attempts in a single touch

Which Linux distro are you using? Fedora Linux Workstation Edition

Which release version? 41

Which kernel are you using? 6.12.9-200.fc41.x86_64

Which BIOS version are you using? 3.05

Which Framework Laptop 13 model are you using? 13th Gen Intel® Core™

When I use the fingerprint sensor to unlock my laptop, if I correctly place my finger the first time, it works well. However, if I am off by enough for the fingerprint not to register, the message “Failed to match fingerprint” vibrates three times in rapid succession, followed by a statement that I reached the maximum number of attempts. Similar behavior happens when executing a command requiring authentication on the command line, with two or more fingerprint sensing attempts occurring very quickly before I can react.

I can work around this at the lock screen by entering my password or restarting the unlock process with Esc, but this strikes me as odd behavior. Why offer three attempts if all three get used up in a single touch? I don’t know if this is a Framework-specific issue or not, but any insight here would be appreciated.


I agree, I have this issue since the begining. I’m on Fedora as well 39, then 40 and now 41.
Because of this I’m just not using the fingerprint anymore. I waste too much time by trying the fingerprint to recognize my fingers than I take to put my password by keyboard… And of course, I precise for the readers that I don’t have any moisture problem with my hands and I did reset multiple time the finger records to be sure before the conclusion that the fingerprint is not reliable.