Framework 16 Randomly Shuts Off

My Framework Laptop 16 running windows randomly shuts off, with no error message and no blue screen, just stops. It doesn’t appear to be associated with a specific program or programs and I’m at a loss as to what to do.

Any help would be appreciated.


If this is the same reaction you get when closing the screen, chances are it’s a magnet in the vicinity of the switch that detects the closed lid. To test, go into windows energy settings and change the behavior for “lid closed” to do something else (nothing, suspend to ram, suspend to disk, whatever).

It isn’t. It’s an abrupt system shutoff, similar to what you would see if you were to unplug a desktop computer while it was running. Everything just goes off, and stays off until I press the power button and it boots as though it was powered off.

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Sounds like some kind of power fault, or thermal trip. I’m leaning towards the former. Is this a DIY or prebuilt?

Is the system shutting off completely, or does it crash and then automatically boot up again?

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Its shuts off completely and has to be rebooted by pressing the power button.

Prebuilt windows 11. Now the device won’t even boot at all, gets to this and then freezes like this. (Image attached)

Contact support. They can help you.

Can you get it to halt in bios screens also.
I think the most difficult part of diagnosing this is the lack of a log record saying why it halted / shut down.

Hello Andrew, I´m experiencing this issue. CPU pack at low temp (mid 50C) when I get a freeze and reset. Do you know what could be causing that?

I was experiencing crashing issues with my FW13 AMD, I have a full thread if you’d like to read more - but basically just a fault in the mainboard. It doesn’t seem to impact the FW16 AMD, but I guess it would be possible.

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Really hope that´s not the case here. I´m having thermal inconsistences that I cannot understand. Temperature will spike FAST while just watching youtube video, for example, or browsing through X. If I was playing Cyberpunk 2077 I´d understand it… It makes little sense to me.

if you have “ectool”, does “ectool panicinfo” output anything?
The output survives a reboot and power off, but not removal of the power cable.
I use “ectool” on Linux, so I don’t know if there is a similar tool on windows.


My FW16 shut itself off also.
No messages in the syslog.
Ectool panicinfo was empty.
Ectool console did not show a EC power cycle.
No MCE info.
No pstore info.

  1. Screen goes blank or freezes.
  2. Wait about 30 seconds.
  3. Fw16 powers itself off.
    On reboot there is no evidence in any of the logs as to what went wrong.
    It only happens occasionally, say once a month. Every time it has been while watching a video.
    Os: Ubuntu 24.04 with 6.12.3 mainline kernel

So, if anyone is able to reproduce this more often, and notices any sort of pattern/cause it would help.

Just happened to me. Mine is a FW16.

Same here…FW16. was playing OW and just shut off like a desktop getting plug pulled. No warning.

How often can people get it to randomly shut off?
Is it predictably reproducable?
I would like to reproduce the problem.

I’m experiencing something similar with my FW16 (on Ubuntu). Maybe since the firmware 3.05.

Sometimes the screen goes black, and I have to press the power button until it switch off to force a reboot.

But since yesterday, I also experienced random shut offs and reboot (described above “like when you unplug a desktop”).
At first I thought it was linked to using Steam or something that heat up too fast (three times in a row, was easy to reproduce), but I also got a reboot while just browsing this forum.

I recently had the same experience two times in few days with my FW16… I might have some logs from dmesg related to amdgpu fault… (Fedora 41, Kernel 6.12.x, mesa-git)
But I’m no expert.

On Windows does the Reliability History or the program WhoCrashed show anything? Looking through the event logs is tedious but might show something.