Framework Laptop 13 Ryzen 7040 - 25% boots fail

I have a problem with booting my Ryzen based Framework 13.
Statistically 1 of 4 of cold boots (it not happens in sleep state) fails with message “BlInitializeLibrary failed 0xc0000185”.
If it happens I turn off device with power button and truns it on again and it boots normally.

Anyone have similar issue?

BL refers to the boot loader. I don’t think I’ve seen this error before in line with the system memory before but I would try a repair install on Windows and potentially rebuilding the boot configuration data (there are many guides with pictures available on google).

I would also try a reinstall of the Official framework drivers.

If the issue persists then I would try running memtest86+ from a bootable USB and check for failures with the ram (just a guess because the errors is showing on the same line as your RAM).

This looks to me like it’s an error message from the BIOS, in which case it’s nothing to do with Windows.

Perhaps try re-seating your RAM, and maybe, just in case, your SSD.

Or maybe resetting your mainboard to default state. There is a web page, but it says it’s for an earlier Laptop 13 model, and it’s not simple to do:

Make sure you have backed up all your data. This could indicate a failing disk/nvme.

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