Framework Laptop 16 Batch Shipment Chart

Batch 12 here and got the “preparing you batch” email!


Batch 11 just got charged!


UPDATE 4-22-2024: Batch 10 Arrivals, Batch 11 Charges, and Batch 12 Emails

Framework is starting off strong again with three announcements on Monday! Batch 10 has received their first laptops, with a delta of 5 business days from cards being charged to laptops arriving. Batch 11 has seen their cards get charged 5 days after their prep email, so their laptops should be on the way soon, keep an eye out for the tracking number! Finally, batch 12 has received their batch prep emails, which gives a batch to batch delta of 5 days from batch 11 to 12 by prep email! There’s a lot of fives today…

Deltas Chart

I think we now have enough data to exclude the first 4 batches from the average batch-batch delta I’ve been quietly calculating on the Sheet. Those first four have had huge outliers that skewed the data way up as seen on the Deltas Chart below, but without them we now have an average batch to batch delta of 5.1 business days!

Average Email-Card Delta: 4.4
Average Card-Arrival Delta: 3.5
Average Batch-Batch Delta (Exclude Batch 1-4): 5.1

Far Predictions

Data is gathered from the FW16 Batch guilds here on the Framework Forums.
The Google Sheet containing all the data and charts is linked at the top of this topic.


Hey Nomad
I created a new topic

Which Linux Distro ? FW 16 Edition

And responded there.

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Batch 11
Charged 4/22 late EDT
Shipped 4/23 06:45 EDT
Delivery set 4/25, but probably 4/24 if it’s coming in overnight to KFJK and there’s no holdup in customs or getting it on the truck.


Looks like the first Batch 11’s have been delivered


And batch 12 seems to be getting charged now

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I’ve been charged, but no charged email yet for me. Batch 12.

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UPDATE 4-25-2024: Batch 11 Arrivals, Batch 12 Charges

It’s another busy day today as batch 11 receives their first laptops and batch 12 gets charged. And it looks like batch 13 can expect batch prep emails tomorrow or Monday!

Deltas Chart

I’ve just fixed an error in the sheet where the Batch-Batch Delta was calculating between card charges instead of prep emails. The calculated average was only off by 0.1, and the correct value is reflected below.

Average Email-Card Delta: 4.3
Average Card-Arrival Delta: 3.5
Average Batch-Batch Delta (Excluding Batch 1-4): 5.0

Far Predictions

Data is gathered from the FW16 Batch guilds here on the Framework Forums.
The Google Sheet containing all the data and charts is linked at the top of this topic.


Heads up email received for batch 13, baby!!!

Your order is shipping soon! Your order is expected to ship between 4 and 21 days from today. We’ll charge the remaining balance of $X to the default saved payment method on file.
Action item: Please double check by May 1 that the payment method and shipping address we have on file for you are accurate. Changes to payment method or shipping address after May 1 may lead to delivery delays.


Darn it, I knew they would wait until I posted to send that out!


Figures! :slight_smile: But at least those trend lines are still bending downward…

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UPDATE 4-25-2024, Part 2: Batch 13 Email

I was worried this would happen…

Batch 13 got their batch prep emails just barely over an hour after I put out today’s update, so part 2, baby! If you’re in batch 13 I hope you like anticipation, because your laptop is coming soon™ or as soon as 7-10 business days.

Deltas Chart

Average Email-Card Delta: 4.3
Average Card-Arrival Delta: 3.5
Average Batch-Batch Delta (Excluding Batch 1-4): 4.9

Far Predictions

Data is gathered from the FW16 Batch guilds here on the Framework Forums.
The Google Sheet containing all the data and charts is linked at the top of this topic.


Hey new update, batch 20 started!


Ooh, I’ll add that to the sheet.

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I’ve published the code I use for automatically downloading these charts, just in case anyone here wants to do a similar thing for another project! This is currently Linux only and has been tested on Xubuntu 23.10 and a Ubuntu 23.04 VM, but should work on any modern Ubuntu derivative and maybe more. I have no plans for Windows support, but will accept pull requests if someone who knows about using Selenium on Windows really wants to do it.


batch 12 and its shipping


My computer from batch 12 arrived today just an hour ago!


Ooh … and I don’t even have a shipping email yet … :sob: :sob:


if it can reassure you, there were 7 days between the confirmation email and the arrival of my computer

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