Frequent BSODs & WD Smart Error Code 5

I’ve been experiencing frequent BSODs pretty much ever since getting this laptop. I fully reinstalled windows & all drivers twice and checked my ram, and support even sent me a replacement mainboard because we were unable to diagnose the issue, and I’ve replaced the powerbank, but have never found a permanent solution. This week, the problem started up again. I ran the windows update that was pushed and checked my graphics drivers, ran CHKDSK and SFC /scannow and found no issues. Finally, I did the extended WD smart check (I have the 2tb) and for the first time, I got a failure with error code 5. Unfortunately, I have no clue what to do from here and WD provided no guidance whatsoever. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a different SSD that I can replace it with that will not have these errors? Is it possible that my SSD has been causing the problems the whole time? At this point, I’m totally lost on what to do other than give up and am hoping somebody else has better ideas.

I guess a first question would be what do the BSOD say? Do you have a photo?
I don’t know what error code 5 is, but then next thing to try might be swapping the WD nvme storage device.

It’s DPC watchdog violation pretty much every time. WhoCrashed suggests I have an issue with “nt.sys” but I can’t find that exact driver, and no amount of troubleshooting has resolved that issue.

On a personal level, I’m starting to feel like this whole concept is a money trap so that I buy extra equipment I don’t end up needing to not solve my problems.

ETA: Oh also, error code 5 is apparently " The self-test failed with the electrical element" but I had to go on the manufacturer website to find that out, and they provide no subsequent actions to take.

Ah, that’s the name assigned to the Windows kernel itself.

Signs point to potential SSD failure, yes; even a replacement WD SSD should be sufficient to test that theory.

WD’s RMA department may be able to help. Get in touch with Framework Support as well!

Like @DHowett says. It sounds like a SSD hardware fault to me.

Talk to FW support if you got the WD SSD from them.
Or talk to WD direct. Some of their SSDs have 5 year warranty so you could get a replacement for free.
You can check the warranty here:

To get a replacement from WD, I think you ask for a RMA.

Thank you! If it was the SSD causing my issues that would explain why none of the other steps i took with & without the support team (especially replacing the mainboard). I will follow up with this advice.

Sorry, I meant to tag both @James3 and @DHowett in my thanks

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