Hello all, I’m having a weird problem with Windows 11 where when I boot in, (SOMETIMES) after 5-10 minutes, my computer just BSOD’s. The BSOD says Critical_Process_Died? I tried doing a memtest86 test and kept running into an issue where it loaded a black screen with CPU: 0 and State: \ in the bottom right corner. I’ve already tried updating the bios but that didn’t work either. Something to note is that I BSOD 100% of the time when I open Edge. There are very rare occasions though when it doesn’t crash and everything works perfectly. I can open other browsers and such and nothing happens? I’ve already tried reinstalling windows to no avail.
I’m starting to think it’s a problem with my SN770 ssd? I don’t have a second nvme so I’m not sure how id test that, maybe installing windows on a usb then trying but…
This has been going on for months, a reinstall only solves this for a week or 2 before it starts up again.
Could the motherboard be faulty even?
I should note for anyone else reading that I’ve tried using one ram module at a time but it still bsod’d either way, using 64gb crucial ddr5 5600mhz ram.
I plan to do a Windows Memory Diagnostics test soon though.
If you have another or spare SSD try doing a clean Windows install on it. If that works then perhaps your current SSD is going bad. If same issue then could be something else going on and may have to open a tick with support. Check if you still have warranty left.
You could try creating an Ubuntu USB and booting to it Live and seeing if it exhibits the same issues.
Contact Framework support for the best course of action though. Try installing Western Digital SSD Toolkit you could download and test the drive with. You might try that. The other possibility is both your memory modules are bad or have gone bad. If you can not boot to a Memtest86 and it fails with both modules then the modules themselves might be suspect. I would start from the standpoint of the SSD possibly failing.
If you reinstall Windows and it is fine for a while that points toward an SSD that is failing and writing corrupt sectors that gets progressively worse. There is a fixed amount of buffer for bad sectors and once the drive maxes those out, the drive will fail to read and write even more frequently.
While looking for the dashboard WD drive users might want to be aware of this article if you have a 2TB WD drive and Windows 24H2:
Thank you guys, I will definitely try to find a spare ssd of some sort and try ubuntu/windows on it then report back. I should add that I have a SN770 2tb drive that doesn’t have a warranty. I’ve also tried using 1 memory stick at a time and it still BSOD’s regardless. I would gladly replace the ssd than need to pay for that much more ram again.