FW16 Batch 1 Guild

I’m batch 7. But as the ‘7’ looks like a ‘1’, may be they could make the confusion and send me the email too… :innocent:


Here we go!

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Just got my prep email as well!! Let’s gooooo


the spacers beside the touchpad are always grey, they are different from the spacers beside the keyboard (touchpad spacers are shorter) and they can’t have any additional functionality like LEDs or buttons (yet?).

Maybe you know this already, but just wanted to make sure.

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As Batch 3 I am very excited for you guys and myself. Maybe this means Batch 3 gets shipped before the chinese New Year break?


Dude some of Batch 1 might ship after new year…


Given the contents of the email, there’s some of us in Batch 1 who won’t see anything until March


I just read the email in the other thread (Batch 1 Preparation Emails Are Going Out). The situation around the input modules is a bummer and kind of wasn’t communicated until now, at all.
But Batch 1 is out the factory by the end of next week. I expect them to immidiately start working on Batch 2 after that, so those will definitely start shipping before New Year.
With Batch 3 it’s very likely going to be after the holidays, though, you’re right.


Reads Email
I ordered an RGB Macro Pad…
Weeps Quietly in a corner

Looking forward to seeing some other Batch 1 members post pictures/reviews/videos though.


Didn’t know that. My order had 2 sets of black spacers… that’s why I wanted to make sure.

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Got my preparing batch email…But I really want to take off that dang " RGB Macropad Module" and get the led side modules instead. I don’t want to wait until March or later just because of that macro pad.

Hopefully support gets to my ticket I sent yesterday morning regarding removing it.


I’m batch 11. Since “11” is two "1"s, maybe they’ll send me two batch 1 laptops


Does anyone know whether they can send the laptop without the RGB macropad module and just send that along a month later? I don’t mind using just the default gray spacers for a month haha


You could just alter your order and take off the macropad, then order the macropad separately

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How? I see no way to alter the order, short of sending in a support request, which I already did yesterday. They may charge me before they see the support request.


I’ve considered doing that and adding a ten-key instead, but once I have the macropad, I intend to use it quite often as a ten-key so I would have a useless ten-key sitting around that will probably become e-waste at some point…


Got my prep email as well. Will probably be delayed due to the RGB US keyboard, but hopefully this is a little under promise, over deliver and it gets shipped before the Lunar new year.


I’d probably prefer this too. I don’t want to wait until after the holiday chaos to get my laptop.


As a long shot – is anyone in the Batch 1 Guild in the greater Boston, MA area? I’m working on a replacement keyboard module (I love my trackpoint) but am way back in batch 16. I’d love to get ten minutes hands-on with a FW16 to check out details of the screen hinge and midplate and test fit some keyboards.


Or you could 3D print a case for the ten-key, and have it as an external pad. The internal connections are USB-2 so all you need is a standard USB cable off a defunct device (assuming the cable is ok and not the cause of device being defunct).

I suspect there will be quite a little industry doing 3D cases for this purpose, to add something like the LED matrix modules or the macro pad or the ten-key to a FW13 …