FW16 Batch 1 Guild

What the hell is that?

11:33 AM*]* TheTwistgibber*:*

Hello everyone, We’re seeing a disturbing trend of irrational anger, foul language, abusive tones, and general toxicity in Support and on our managed social media channels. Everyone is well-within their right to be frustrated, and yes, even angry about anything. We won’t tell you how you can or should feel. What is NOT okay, is personally attacking our staff, finding our personal online accounts that are not work-related, and spamming hateful messages, full of vitriol. If you are that upset, a simple solution, cancel your pre-order. If you are getting that worked up over us being transparent about issues outside of our control at the moment, your mental health is more important, and you should probably walk away for yourself and everyone involved. While we absolutely appreciate the business, we do not take kindly to our hardworking staff being berated, dehumanized, and disrespected. They are not valid proxies for venting your destructive verbiage. If you have feedback, provide it in a constructive way, and I promise you it is escalated for review by internal staff equipped and dedicated to receive it. As a company of less than 50 employees worldwide, we still have a lot of growing to do, and it’s clear that some expectations that exist are far loftier than we are able to meet. We’ll continue to be transparent, but if there’s confusion around information we’ve provided, politely ask for clarification. We make mistakes, but do not immediately assume that Framework is purposefully trying to take advantage of you or perform some nefarious deed. That’s not who we are, and that’s not on-mission or on-brand. Assume good intent, first and foremost, as we’re working insanely hard in every department within Framework. Given the above, if you have decided to continue down a toxic path, we will cease engagement and you will be ignored. I will not allow our staff to be abused, period. Not once have they been disrespectful or deserved to be on the receiving end of some of these messages. To the vast majority of our respectful followers and/or customers, thank you. If we’ve missed on your expectations, we sincerely apologize, and please know that we’re always trying to do what we can to make it right. There are limitations to what’s possible given a number of factors, but we’ll continue to be as transparent and open as we can. Thank you. Kevin Crawford Head of Global Customer Experience Framework

Annoucement posted on Discord


Is that a recent announcement?

I remember a similar announcement on reddit a few months back. Either way, quite horrible of whoever sends any abuse or uses bad language towards support staff, and worse, contacts them on their private social media. And if it’s a new announcement, it’s even more disheartening and saddening.


Yes it was today at that posted time.

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Why are people so horrible to others?

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Tonight’s (2024-02-23) update:


We sincerely apologize for this follow-up communication, but after receiving reports of confusion from customers that received the previous email (111 total), we’ve identified that the export of orders in Batch 1 used for that email included customers with other keyboards experiencing a similar delay, but were not previously identified or communicated. The email was also sent to a small number of customers (5 total) that were impacted by a Pre-Built Windows Licensing issue and they have already been notified of this error.

The corrected list of keyboard modules impacted by the delay in Batch 1 are as follows:

  • RGB Clear ANSI (10 total)
  • International English (30 total)
  • Blank ANSI (8 total)
  • Blank ISO (8 total)
  • Traditional Chinese (Cangjie & Zhuyin) (2 total)
  • International English - Linux (48 total)

As of today, the updated schedule shows that these keyboard modules are to arrive at our 3PL (3rd Party Logistics) partner facility and will be ready to ship the week of March 4th.

If you have already responded to us, and this new information changes your decision to either continue to wait for shipment or to change your keyboard selection, please let us know.

We know these mistakes have been extremely frustrating, and we are disappointed in ourselves for these errors. We’re working to improve internal processes to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

Thank you for your understanding, and again, we’re sorry.

  • The Framework Team

Framework Support

Addendum 1 sent a few hours later:



We will resume review and modifications first thing Monday morning. Rest assured that this will not cause additional delays and we will not start processing payments on in-stock modified Batch 1 orders until we’ve completed the review of all remaining tickets.

If you’ve chosen to wait, out latest information puts the availability to ship delayed components at the week of March 4th.

If you’ve chosen to edit your order to in-stock items, we’ll start capturing final payment next week for shipment as quickly as possible.

Thank you so much for your patience, and you should expect follow-up on Monday morning.

Framework Support


Thank you so much for copying that response here. I hadn’t received a reply to my query and your email answered my question indirectly as well.


Thank you framework for the update, this really helps us understand what’s happening.

Can’t wait to get my FW16 still.


If we’re expecting impacted orders to be ready to ship within two weeks at the most (end of the week starting March 4th), that makes the decision to stick or switch a bit more interesting.

(Please note this is a work of complete speculation and I don’t know what I’m talking about)

I’d guess that if you chose to switch switch, by the time support are able to modify the order, capture payment, and handle any other steps involved in getting the order ready to ship, you’re looking at ~2-4 days until the order ships. In which case I think you’d save somewhere in the range of ~5-10 days…

For the sake of 5-10 days, I think I’ll keep my place as one of the 48 waiting on a Linux keyboard to avoid the windows logooooo!


I am surprised we all don’t have to build the keyboard ourselves from individual keys. It would probably add about 60 mins of anticipation to a new user making their own keyboard before they get to switch the laptop on. :grinning:


I’m sticking with my switch. That macro pad didn’t get in on the 19th like they said either. The fact I can easily change out the part later makes the decision all the more easier.


Looks like you can switch your order back to “International English - Linux” again, as both the normal and Linux variants are delayed. :upside_down_face:

Initially I had ordered the normal “International English”, but since the confirmation of delay for both of them, I asked them to switch my order to “International English - Linux”.

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To be fair, they never said that. They said the factory that makes the macropad would reopen on the 19th. See the 7th update email from Feb 8th.


So, what’re you gonna do now? If it’s really important, you can switch the config now and get it fairly soon or wait a little and get your original config.

(I always get confused when I see your profile picture somewhere, as it’s so similar to mine, lol)

I’m sticking to my EN international keyboard, I can wait an extra two weeks. I always told myself that I would be happy if my FW16 shipped Q1 2024 and it looks like it will still make it before the end of Q1 so :+1:t3:


@henrytr Did you find a fix for your “spacer” issue?
Framework actually post the design specs for the “spacer” on github, so you can find out what the exact dimensions should be, together with design tolerances. So, if you have a tool that can measure down to 0.05 mm steps, you could measure your “spacer” and see if it is within the design specs or not. Looking at the tolerances table, it should be accurate to about ± 0.1 mm which is pretty good.

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The guy on YouTube who posted that picture didn’t do an update about the spacers so I have no Idea. I think he goes by @CJ_Elevated. Might be interesting if he experimented with ways to mitigate this problem since it seems to be common… at least for early batches.

Anyone been charged and get an email that had the Macropad after the announcement that they will be shipping it without the pad and then ship the pad later? I know their support is busy, and I already had a ticket open (from right before the post was published) and I asked back a couple days later on why I haven’t been charged and I haven’t heard anything back.


I don’t have the macro pad, but I have a keyboard that is delayed. I asked them to change the keyboard in response to their email offer/info on Thursday.

Nothing on mine either. If it doesn’t get changed/charged/shipped today…then I’m wondering what was even the point of their thursday email?

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I agree, I got all excited thinking that my laptop was about to ship (assuming it was on the side just waiting for the macro pad) but that doesn’t appear to be the situation, looked like our pre-orders were not looked at or held aside to make sure we had our parts and they they are just now going through and pulling parts and testing.