FW16 Batch 13 Guild

Me too finally! I’m so HYPED


I have the same date

With a bit of luck, I’ll have it by Friday :grin:

09/05/2024 before 18:00

Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 12.18.03


is anyone elses laptop just chilling in alaska waiting to clear customs? its been a couple days in customs. shouldnt it be done by now?

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Got my shipping email really earlier this morning! Can’t wait to get this laptop!

Mine too. I think they just haven’t done anything over the weekend. Hopefully it’ll get moving today


I can almost guarantee it’ll be passed by tomorrow. These things take 1-2 business days and it got there in the middle of the business day on friday. Really just unfortunate timing.

hopefully it still says arriving tmr.

unlike FedEx, US customs and border protection probably doesn’t work on weekends; and even on weekdays they probably on work “normal hours”

My FedEx app weirdly says it’s in Memphis but not arrival scan there or anything. Not sure if it’s just a bug or it’s moved and not properly updated elsewhere

It’s getting closer. I don’t know, if this also means, it will be delivered today, but what bothers me is, that I cannot choose delivery options on the FedEx site.
I just hope, they don’t simply put it in front of the door.


My notebook has already seen more of the world than I have :sweat_smile:

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At least the inside of warehouses, airplanes and trucks. :smiley:

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Why does it go from Taiwan to the Philippines to China, can’t they fly there directly?

It’s indeed on the delivery truck, and as much as I’m happy about it, I’m also worried. Damn, I even think about taking half the day off to be home right now.

I’ve already threatened my colleagues with working from home xD

Does anyone here come from Germany and know how it is with customs(Zoll)?

Found: Recent Customs Issues with Framework Laptop Orders (UK, FR, DE)

Framework has it all covered.

And it’s here, they put it in front of the door :person_facepalming:
Asked my employer if I may drive home, was allowed. Phew :relieved:


Ohboi. On the front door… that is, well, unfortunate.
But thankfully all went well, congrats on your new laptop!