FW16 Batch 13 Guild

Thanks, and I’m back at work, took less than 45 minutes home and back. One big breakfast break :smile:

But now that it’s save and sound home inside, I’m more relaxed. It still will be a loooong day at work now xD


Hello @Tealk,

your link seems from Batch 8 of the first FW13 laptops. it was from 2022.

at different forum entry there is written VAT is included and nothing extra have to be payed.

yes, that’s what I read from the article I linked, thanks for the other link.

Wow - so my laptop was in Taiwan yesterday and is now in Cologne/Germany already. Crazy…
Estimated arrival is next Monday but the speed at which it is being processed right now makes me hope that it might arrive either Friday or Saturday.

That’s what I thought too, now it’s time to spam the reload button xD

@Tealk I’m sure, we already payed the customs with the price :wink:

@NilsK as far as I know, they don’t deliver on Saturdays. But I wish you best of luck to get it this week!

I also got my shipping number yesterday :slight_smile: so far it’s gone Taiwan → Philippines → Guangzhou → New Delhi and it’s got an estimated arrival date of Thursday (I’m in the UK). Can’t wait :eyes:

(Update: it looks like it was processed in Dubai airport an hour ago, meaning it may well be on this flight (FDX5279) which departed then!)

Mine (which is going to the Northeast US) is also still stuck in Anchorage awaiting customs clearance. Day two. It was originally predicted to arrive tomorrow but FedEx adjusted that to today. In theory it’s still possible, as I have seen things go out for delivery pretty late in the day, so long as it clears customs right away. But more likely it’ll be one more day, assuming it starts moving today.

Here’s hoping customs gets it unstuck when they start work at the FedEx hub at 7am. They’re open there from 7am-3:30pm, according to the Anchorage CBP page. That’s 4h from now until 12:30 from now, so if they don’t start moving by 19:30 EST they won’t do so today.

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Yes, I was surprised too, but like others already wrote, it goes from cologne to france and then back to germany…
So our babies could be in the same freight container.
Would be cool if the delivery would be already on friday, so we could use the weekend for setup and first user experience.

My parcel somehow got lost in France, so fedex is really fast, within 2 minutes from cologne to france

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I wasn’t expecting that all packages FedEx ships to Germany go through France (even though they have just been in Germany already). But yeah same for me too.

Could that be some kind of bureaucracy evasion tactic from FedEx? Because shipping from France to Germany is probably easier than <somewhere in Asia> to Germany.
Or it could just be their normal logistics route…

Well my laptop made it in town early this morning. It’s scheduled for tomorrow but I could see getting the laptop today. So close!

but isn’t that an export and a re-import into a country? That doesn’t sound logical to me now.

I’m not sure, if it’s really physically in France or just some papers or Information exchange. BUT, there has been a flight by FedEx from Paris back to cologne last night around 8-9pm and suddenly today there was movement in my tracking, so it may be true.

As far as I know, the customs clearance for whole EU used by FedEx is located in France, why it’s going to cologne first, then Paris and back, you have to ask FedEx.

Random guesses why it does a stop in Cologne first would be just a simle: they share a cargo plane with some other org or they need to refuel(?)…

Would be nice if a FedEx employee got a Framework laptop and is active on the forums and could give us some insights hehe

Laptop just arrived!


Damn, also got the problem with infinite turning NVME screw. :frowning_face:

Does this mean that the thread of the nut is defective?

Yes, I think, the screw is just half a millimeter too short. I’ve got other screws with the same thread size, but a tad longer, they hold tight. Thing is, their head is too small to hold the SSD :frowning:

I got the SSD secured by a single thread of the original screw now. I wonder if I should add a thermal pad and put a piece of tape onto the screw, so it doesn’t get lost, when I move the laptop.

That’s interesting, yours was picked up later than mine and arrived in Anchorage later, but has been released from import sooner. I wonder what’s up with mine, then. Unfortunately FedEx just says “clearance delay”, with no reason given, so I don’t know if it needs prodding from someone at Framework.

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