FW16 Batch 20 Guild

Nice one! Looking forward to getting my FW16 Ryzen 9 setup with Oculink 8i & my RX6800XT.

Tempted to try out my RX6800XT in my Razer Core X Chroma this week to see what it gets. I’ll definately be moving on the Razer Core X Chroma once I get my Oculink setup sorted.

Which drivers were you using for this as well? Full install?

hows everyones laptops been treating them. trying to see if anyone had any issues

i will start
one of my gpu fans sounds funky like there’s something rattling around i opened it up and saw noting so im gonna use it until it happens again :3

another issue i had was that my 2 tb nvme drive was corrupted so i simply re formatted it

How do you plan to connect the Oculink Adapter to the FW16? Without Hacksawing your Device impossible.

Just plain Standard AMD Adrenaline 24.5.1

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Plan on getting Josh_Cook’s OcuLink Expansion Bay Module from here.

Nice, I think I need to uninstall & reinstall with the full Adrenaline suite, I did driver only & wouldn’t let me post score to leaderboards.

Here is my FW16 integrated in my Setup.
Its sitting on a Laptop Tray i used for my Macbook before. This Tray is connected to an Vesa Monitor Arm. It looks sketchy, but its bomb solid. Only onehanded opening of the screen should not be done due to the Overhang.
The Fan Opening is free flying and the 7700s is unused when in stationary Mode, due to the eGPU.

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Oculink has one big disadvantage! You have to restart the Device everytime you want to connect/disconnect the eGPU. What GPU do you plan to use as an eGPU?

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Yeah, I’m all good with that. It’s primariliy a work Laptop & don’t game often so have gone the eGPU route & across that is a limitation of OcuLink.

As mentioned, I’ll be using a RX6800XT currently which is what I already have & the option to upgrade that if/when needed.

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Not OP, but the restarting isn’t a big deal for me. It’s pretty quick already. I’ll be selling off my desktop parts except for the graphics card, a 3090, and just having the laptop + eGPU

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The 3090 is Bullshit as an eGPU. You will probably loose about 50 or more % Performance. You should sell it too and get an 4070ti/4080 newer Architecture and features and you get the same performance as with the 3090 due to the Bandwirh Restriction.

I forgot to mention I’m waiting for the oculink 8x port josh is working on. Selling my 3090 wouldn’t get me a 4080 unfortunately, so I’ll just wait for Mr Josh to eventually release his module

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I also had a bit of rattling when the fans spun up to max, and checked if there was anything in there to no avail. The issue seems to have resolved itself though, I’ll need to do more stress testing to make sure.

Is there any mockup picture of the oculink 8x port module and its availabilty?

I had high expectations for the FW16, and so far it has delivered. It is not the perfect laptop by no means, but it has enabled me to run two different OS on two separate SSD, escaped Apple’s orbit, got back into light PC gaming, and finally the ultimate repairable laptop.

I only experienced two issues:

  1. My linux OS didn’t wake up from suspend, but it was resolved by updating the grub ([GUIDE] Framework Laptop 16 Suspend Waking Up Early Or Failing To Suspend Fix)

  2. The fans would run for no reasons when I was on Windows and I didn’t have any applications running. It happened once, so not sure why it occurred. Anyone has issues with the fans running in Windows when the laptop is not taxed?


The fans is probably Windows or Steam downloading/installing updates in the background

This sort of behavior isn’t unique to the FW16, I’ve seen this happen on just about every Windows laptop known to man. In my experience, it’s generally either Windows Update or Windows Defender suddenly deciding to do something

Well as it seems my Thermals on my Batch20 are not that great. i am getting a Mainboard Replacement as i have a big Tempdelta betwwen coolest and hottest Core of 15C under Full Load. While the hottest Core is always pegged to 100C

But other than that, i am all in all pleased with the FW 16, eGPU Setup with the RX6800xt works great on the Desk and the Power is more than sufficient on the Travel.

I Bought the Donglehider Plus on Etsy to integrate my Logi Bolt Adapter hidden into the FW. Neat little Addition. :slight_smile:


Some constructive criticism for support – if you want a customer to do hours of troubleshooting for you after paying you $2,000, offer them a partial refund and/or offer to remote into their computer to do some of the troubleshooting yourself. And every additional email with requests for even more testing should come with something else to show appreciation.

I needed a mainboard replacement as well. Thermal delta eventually degraded to 25C between hottest/coolest cores while running Cinebench R23. Took about 3.5 weeks, 11 emails back and forth with more and more tests, ultimately frankly a ridiculous number of tests taking hours and hours of my time for them before they finally decided to send a mainboard replacement.

Unfortunately the new replacement did not insert smoothly – locating pin #1 was very difficult to get inserted into the new motherboard, and of course you don’t figure this out until spending an hour carefully taking everything apart. I eventually realized it was because the left heating pipe on the new motherboard was bent too near the center and would not slide into the case, I had to press it in with a little bit of force. That would suggest either the new motherboard assembly is out of tolerance, or my existing computer case is out of tolerance.

Brought this up with support, and they want me to take everything apart yet again and try and take a picture showing them that non-existent gap. I intend to do so, but am using the computer every day for school and the process of taking everything apart is easy but time-consuming. Hopefully will be faster the second time I guess.

I can totally understand issues from the factory and even with replacements. But the experience with support so far has been pretty frustrated. It did not occur to me that being modular enables support to ask their customers to do hours of troubleshooting. Whereas for a traditional OEM they’d ship you a full replacement computer and then do the troubleshooting themselves.

Honestly I don’t mind doing some troubleshooting either; but some of the stuff they asked felt like SUCH a waste of my time. Do I really need to try 6 different combinations of RAM, various BIOS settings, charger in different ports, various expansion cards removed, various Windows power profiles, and so on? And the icing on the cake was they said I wasn’t even running the benchmark during the screenshots.

I brought my own RAM from their approved 3rd-party list and an SN850x SSD which is exactly the model they use for DIY. I would not be surprised if it would have been an even bigger pain had I happened to get 3rd-party anything else.

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i can fully understand you, that you are frustrated. For my Part it was a smooth sailing. I entered the Contactform on the Page. They sent me one i think 7 Step Question Form back When it happens/What happens/Proof of it happens (HW info Screenshot during Benchmark)/What Bios/ What Charger/etc

I Sent it back, a Day later i got the info, Yes we will replace your Mainboard, whats your Adress.

I am waiting for the RMA Team, to give me the Shipping Notification.