FW16 Batch 7 Guild

Get a tiny screwdriver, or better, some tweezers with thin sharp tips, and pull up on the screw as you unscrew it (to the best of your ability). That’s worked for me with stripped screws in the past.

Then, hope it’s the screw that’s stripped and not the SSD mount.

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I usually use needle-nose pliers or a multi-tool, just need to grip the sides of the screw head without slipping.

Peeps, what is this shipping:

7 countries in total. Finally gets to UK, leaves stansted, then ends up going back for second import release? What.

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The exact same thing is happening to mine currently as well. It went through release at Stansted yesterday, passed through another hub, and finally arrived at my local depot this morning. Now it’s passed back through Stansted and another release?

I hope they’re not sending it back!

I seemed to have gotten a busted keyboard, I’m messaging with support about it

It’s probably this:

Very possible. I see 3 issues here:

  • Fedex issue of not clarifying what is a prescan and actual location of package making the tracking kind annoying. Not Frameworks fault
  • Package has now hit 8 countries in total. This morning got a hit in Ireland? Am I on low priority shipping vs others who got there within 48 hours from Taiwan in the US?
  • What is this logistics? Why has it taken such an indirect route? Surely it would’ve been cheaper for the order to fly from Taiwan to France/Germany instead of going Taiwan > Philippines > China > India > UAE > France for most of the journey? I am just ignoring the last leg so excluding Ireland.

I dunno if shipping to Europe is just a mess vs rest of the world or am I missing something fundamental here? Did I miss shipping options at the end of my order? I can’t remember as it was from last year.

I posted my shipping manifest in the Batches Shipping Log - #247 by cenotaph.

My delivery to GER took almost the same route. Taiwan, Philippines, China and then to the Fedex hub in France, Charles de Gaulle airport. From then an exchange of information for the customs and then actual delivery to Cologne and from then on it started moving towards me.

I assume that either someone at Fedex made a mistake with your package or at the time there was no other transport airplane available. So they used another route.

Someone mentioned, that the Framework customs for Europe all take place at France, Paris CDG, so all packages for Europeans will enter Europe there.
I tried to ask Framework support to tell Fedex not to route packages of a U.S. company from Taiwan over China due to the geopolitical tensions and they said they tried but Fedex wouldn’t budge.

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Sadly as they aren’t filling planes 100% so they don’t get the power of negotiations and direct plane flights that apple dell hp etc get as most of them have their own dedicated flights to the USA.

But then again most of their stuff was made in china. At work been seeing a lot of made in India iPhones recently. And our last batch of dells were made in Vietnam.

Sadly they are not interested in framework currently as has to have next day on site 4 yr warranty with accidental damage coverage and integrated cellular. to be considered

My laptop freezes during the Ubuntu installation and the Live environment. It is unable to but into Kubuntu. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I feel bad for support. I submitted 4 or 5 tickets for different issues so far.

Batch 7. Got my FW 16 last week. Took about a week from the initial email to get it. It was only in transit about a day.

Slowly setting it up. I’ve got Linux Mint 21.3 with an Edge kernel (the latest that they provide) and things have been going smoothly so far. The laptop is incredibly quiet. Looking forward to getting everything fully set up.

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Refugee here from Batch 16…
Glad to see another Mint user having a successful install!

Batch 7 here! Been really happy with the performance of the laptop so far. Only issue is I’ve been having some overheating problems, and the left fan wont kick in. Anyone else have this issue? I have the graphics module if that helps. Been in contact with support, but so far none of their solutions have fixed the issue.

Any example of the game or program? Or is it more a generic fault on the fan?

I’m having the graphics module as well.

Just the fan. Happens with any intensive program. Unity, Blender, games, etc. Great performance, just gets the cpu to 100 C and doesnt turn the left fan on

Haven’t had time to thoroughly test my hardware. Mostly been installing things and customizing both OS for my work.

I’m going to install the FurMark and let it run for a while.

I was thinking of installing Furmark but was worried when I saw their warnings. I did install Cinebench to exercise the 7700S but it wouldn’t run correctly and never got past the Preparing phase. Any ideas on what could be wrong there?

Outside of Cinebench, Starfield ran pretty well!

Not trying to be a missionary but I’ve been using FurMark on a dozen private notebooks as well as more than a hundred mobile HP workstations (from the good old 8570w/8770w up to ZBook 15/17 G6 and even a few of the current models).

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What are you talking about? I didn’t see any warnings on their website…

Btw, are there any reference benchmark results for Framework Laptop 16 users without dGPUs?
Looking for reference results for Linux as well as Windows benchmarks.