FW16 Batch 9 Guild

Makes sense.

Just got my shipping information!

US Colorado here

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Woke up to a shipping confirmation. USA/Texas


At local FedEx facility Apr 15 2024 07:16 am
On FedEx vehicle for delivery Apr 15 2024 07:35 am

Scheduled Delivery Today
Estimated 8:50 to 10:50 am

Delivered 8:58am

Monday’s are my busiest day working so it’s going to need to wait until after work to open. :slight_smile:

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It arrived!!!


It’s here! It’s here!

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Shipping notification received, IPNW

Mine just got delivered as well! So excited to get it put together tonight


Everyone else’s units coming from America apparently but mine is coming from straight from Taiwan? :grin::grin:

They all ship from Taiwan to the FedEx distribution nearest you.

Still waiting for shipping :sob:

I emailed support, apparently at least me, but I assume others who haven’t received shipping emails will get them this week.

what was the issue?

I just haven’t received a shipment email yet. I got payment email. I live in Australia which although close to Taiwan i assume takes longer shipping wise as there’s less trips or something.

I don’t know if this is a UK thing, but FedEx here aren’t great, so many shippers to UK will use other services, which results in FedEx have relatively little UK traffic. So if Framework only use FedEx that would mean UK bound shipments will take longer.

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I am also in US, got charged on 11th and no shipping. But got another email that my payment needs to be manually verified. Hopefully it’s nothing, but it can also create delay for some

UK here, just got tracking number 40~ mins ago


Got mine at a Similar time to you

And me. Now to furiously reload the tracking page to see when it leaves Taiwan :smiley:

Got mine about 20 mins ago

Finally!!! :joy:

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