FW16 Palmrest Skins

Does anyone know of a source for FW16 palmrest skins, other than DBrand? They’ve got one as part of their “Deluxe Kits”, but it looks like it comes in three pieces, one for the trackpad hunk, and two for the spacers.

I’m after a single piece that covers the entire palmrest area, with trackpad in the middle. The goal her is to reduce the irritation I’m getting on my wrists from the edges between the trackpad piece and the spacers… there’s a noticable corner there along the front edge of the laptop.

I imagine most model specific kits for the FW16 will all have the lower deck cut into three pieces as the pieces were engineered to be removed seperately or moved around to shift the trackpad left or right. If nobody replies with a known single-piece variant you might consider buying a solid sheet from dBrand and cutting your own or locating a custom vinyl shop to make one for you (think car wrap businesses as well for this option).

Good luck!

i used automotive wrap on my bezel and the roll that i ordered (1ft x 5ft) is enough to cover the whole chasis. you set the spacers how you want then you can lay the wrap across the whole palmrest so no lines.


This is the link to the vinyl i ordered on amazon:


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