Gauging Interest in a Framework ATX CaseMod kit

Im interested!

How would you like to upgrade to the latest and greatest Framework has to offer and recycle last year’s mainboard into either a high density compute cluster, desktop gaming machine, multi-disk NAS appliance, or a simple hand-me-down desktop for a loved one?

We are exploring the idea of developing an ATX case mod kit specifically for laptops—and we’d love to hear from you!

I am sure I don’t have to tell you just how modular Framework is—that’s the whole point. Let’s jump straight into the possible offerings that can be made practical with enough interest.

Im interested!


Just completed the survey. Would buy one 100% for futureproofing my Framework 16 mainboard.
Are we talking about full-size ATX or more “manageable” setups, like Mini-ITX or Micro-ATX dimensions? A full tower would be too much IMHO.
In any case, this looks like a wonderful project. Especially since we don’t have an external case for the Laptop 16!


I don’t see why you couldn’t use a framework 13 mainboard in a mini ITX or micro ATX. I don’t personally own a framework 16, so I would need to do some math, either way the idea is to make an adapter plate that will let it fit if it fits. No need to artificially restrict ourselves to larger cases, if smaller ones work.


I love the idea. I was planning to chuck my FW16 mobo in an external enclosure when I upgrade it anyway. Having the option to turn it into a full desktop would be amazing.


Oh! Now I get it… I tought you were building a whole case! Sorry! :slight_smile:
I’m even more interested now…


Any news about the project? Anything worth sharing? Very curious over here!

I’m interested, and would be even more so if there’s also a thermal module mod (heatsink & fan improvement) with the added dimensions.