GRUB Theme for the Framework 13 Hi-DPI screen

Hey everyone,

I took a look at some of the GRUB themes by Adrian Środoń, but they were in 1080p, so I wanted to credit this person for the idea, and make something similar that works for the unusual 2880x1920 screen size.

There are 10 themes available: Black, Gray, Red, Orange, Green, Aqua, Blue, Purple, Pink, and Light.

  1. Download the framework-hidpi.tar.gz file HERE!
  2. Make the directory by running sudo mkdir -p /boot/grub/themes/ as root if it doesn’t exist, and make sure to run sudo chmod 755 /boot/grub/themes/ && sudo chown root:root /boot/grub/themes.
  3. After downloading, extract the archive to that directory as root, sudo tar xvzf framework-hidpi.tar.gz -C /boot/grub/themes/
  4. The theme.txt file will use the background-black.png by default. If you would like to use a different theme, edit the theme.txt file as root, and change the following line:
desktop-image: "background-black.png"

You can change it to background-red.png, or background-green.png or any of the other ones!

And now, we need to tell GRUB how to use the theme. You can do this manually, or you can try out GRUB Customizer and see if it will load it. I’m looking for more contributions for instructions. If this works out of the box with GRUB Customizer, let me know!

Configuring the GRUB config (Debian/Ubuntu)

These next steps apply specifically for Debian-based distros only.

Go ahead and add a file in /etc/default/grub.d/, and create the directory if it does not exist. You can call it what you want, but it must end with “.cfg”.

The reason why you do not want to edit /etc/default/grub itself is because software updates will distribute their own copy of default config files. Not a bad thing to do, but it’s better practice to use local config overrides in /etc/default/grub.d/, and that also includes setting things like the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line!

Let’s edit a new file:

sudo editor /etc/default/grub.d/local.cfg

In this file, copy and paste the following:


Now write the file and quit the editor, and go ahead and update GRUB:

sudo update-grub

Special instructions for using the Light Theme

If you would like to use the light theme, there are some extra steps.
Note that the light theme is a work-in-progress, since I haven’t converted all the icons to dark versions. If someone wants me to convert them that badly, I can do that, no problem. Also haven’t made the console window light theme (similar to Mac). No idea how to pull that off at the moment.

First, as root, copy the theme-light.txt file over theme.txt.

sudo cp /boot/grub/themes/framework-hidpi/theme-light.txt /boot/grub/themes/framework-hidpi/theme.txt

It’s as easy as that! If you would like to revert your theme back to the dark theme, copy over the default theme-dark.txt file:

sudo cp /boot/grub/themes/framework-hidpi/theme-dark.txt /boot/grub/themes/framework-hidpi/theme.txt

And you can change the desktop-image: "background-black.png" line back to what you had before. You will need to update GRUB again after making these changes.

Hope you all find this theme useful!


Hi @mrjpaxton,

Thank you for putting those together! They look great. It is the little elements of customizing the machine that make Framework so special.

It would be neat if there were an area/sticky thread maybe under the getting started forum that had links to the community created artwork and ways to make Framework stand out as a fan of the product.


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Thank you very much for the new theme! I’m using the orange one, complementing my bezel. I do have a question though. The selection screen of the grub is still tiny.

Any idea’s?

The font needs to be signed, if you disable the secure boot, then everything will be normal, I haven’t figured out self-signed fonts. disable secure boot is the easiest solution.