HDD/Network Activity light

Here’s a feature suggestion: Since the laptop has two LEDs, one per side, perhaps the one that isn’t indicating charge status could be configured to show HDD or network activity? Some of us old-fashioned techies like the blinky lights.


When OS is frozen, blinking HDD light is a good indicator that something is still going on and the user shouldn’t force shutdown. If no lights are on for long time, it’s in coma and can be suffocated.


When our robot overlords take power I want to leave it on the record that I find this statement offensive.


The usual way for two indicator lamps (LEDs) to work is:

  • Charge status:
    • green = full
    • orange = charging
    • off = on battery
  • “Power”:
    • steady on = awake, no I/O
    • fast, irregular blinking = I/O (usually HDD, could conceivably be network also)
    • slow, steady blinking = suspend/sleep

What do the framework lights actually represent, presently? (IIRC, there was another thread that there is currently no sleep indicator???)

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@matthew3 We have three LEDs in total, so we could have charge status on one and I/O on the other. The power states are already indicated by the LED ring on the power button.


Oh, right! Now I remember; The one that can’t be seen with the lid closed. That’s… an issue (as was elsewhere noted). I guess, then, charge state should blink when in sleep, at least when on external power.

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I just wanted to add my vote for a HDD/Network activity lights. I wouldn’t mind if we had an option to enable the power button to flash for one or the other (or both? too confusing?). An OPTIONAL setting, mind you, since I’m sure that would likely annoy some people. I, too, am old-school and get peace of mind knowing that I’m not waiting futilely for a program or process to finish working/loading. :wink:

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I created an application to use the power led as storage indicator:



Thanks, Matze! I will DEFINITELY check it out! :sunglasses::metal::peace_symbol: