Hibernation Performance between Framework generations

There are many ways that performance improvements across cpu updates are measured and inspected. I think those differences are pretty well known.

One thing that I don’t think is really mentioned is some more specific performance improvements.

What I can say is that on the Intel 13th Gen mainboard hibernation performance has GREATLY improved.

I am back on the Windows 11 log in screen in around 15 seconds from a cold boot. On the 12th and 11th gen mainboards this was closer to 45 seconds.

This is always with the same nvme drive and the same amount of RAM. (64gb)

Resuming from hibernation on Windows 11 is so fast that it almost feels like resuming from sleep instead.

Just wanted to mention this because I feel like it is significant.


You’re sure this is not waking from Deep Sleep (S3)?
That sounds amazing!

Yep! I intentionally disable S0 and revert to S3 and then specifically use hibernation.

It is not as fast as resuming from S3 for sure, BUT when you take into consideration that you are also not using any battery and allowing things to cool down, hibernation makes a lot of sense. With how fast NVME storage is these days, I think it is a great option. It is good to see Windows continually improve the process. Windows blows Linux hibernation out of the water. It take well over a minute to resume from Ubuntu taking into consideration the time it takes to unlock the luks drive.

You can have luks be unlocked with a key stored in the TPM just like with windows and have a quick boot from hibernation. Also, I never had to wait so long to boot from hibernation. It usually loaded up slightly quicker than a normal boot. Also, s2idle or “Modern Standby” was made to provide identical power savings when compared to deep or S3 so if s2idle is working for you, then keep it.

Thanks, yeah I was reading about using the TPM to unlock LUKs. Don’t get me wrong, hibernation totally works on Linux, and totally works well. It is just the forgotten thing and doesn’t see much development love.

Windows on the other hand is clearly using some compression and other means that stream line the process. Hibernation on Windows is better on both hibernating and resuming. I mean it is just really fast.