High CPU Usage when plugged in - Windows

Whenever my Framework laptop is plugged in, a process called “Service Host: Device Association Service” (svchost.exe) uses 20-30% of my CPU at all times which causes the fan to be constantly running at full tilt. This happens both when I am plugged into a dock and into a usb c power brick. Thinking it has something to do with the USB C port’s driver but don’t really know where to start troubleshooting. I am using Windows 11 Pro 64 bit.

Only then ? so it relates to the use of a USBC port only?

Correct- when unplugged the high CPU usage goes away.

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Could it be drivers? Have you installed Frameworks bundle? Not to sure, sorry.

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Thanks Shiroudan and amoun, looks like it is fixed now, I didn’t know the driver packages were updated until I looked for the download page again after reading your comment. When I got the laptop and installed Win11, there were only Win10 drivers available. I just installed the Win11 drivers and the issue is fixed, I’m guessing it had something to do with the Intel Thunderbolt driver.

Thank you!

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