How do i update to windows 11 from 10 without reinstalling on framework 13 AMD

as the tpm is not detected in windows 10 on AMD models I cant update to windows 11, however I don’t want to reinstall the OS because that would be a pain and IDK if windows activation key from framework would still work now that’s it’s been activated. So is there a way to upgrade to 11 without the requirement of the tpm for installation, then when 11 is installed the driver will recognise the tpm chip.

There should be an option to enable the TPM in the BIOS and then you will be able to upgrade.

Seeing as though this is a windows install, have a few thoughts.

  • Win 10 keys should work on Win 11, MS shouldn’t have an issue as it’s been used with the same Hardware.
    • Even if it’s not, market dependent you can usually get away with using the same key a few times (so long as the systems aren’t using them all at the same time).
    • So far as I understand it, the Key provided by Framework is not OEM signed (like Dell, HP, or Lenovo for instance), it’s yours.
  • If you are signed in with an MS/Windows account (as opposed to local) it stores a digital key on your account that is assigned to the motherboard.
    • Simply re-logging in will activate it as the hardware ID is the same.
    • if it does not activate on login, hitting “activate now” should activate it.
  • Fresh windows installs are usually cleaner and more stable than in-place upgrades.
  • Using a windows 11 install media (using the media creation tool) should allow you to do an in-place upgrade on the win 10 install outside of the OS (Skipping the TPM check).
  • Windows installs are now usually under an hour using a USB 3.0 or better drive, Drivers, your basic software, and debloat.
  • If you do not have your key, you can pull it from OS with the terminal, and then use that to activate the new install.

To add to this, I just activated my Win 11 Pro install on my new Mobo with a win 10 pro key I haven’t used in a few years.

Thank you, from what I’ve seen, the tpm chips on the frameworks require a driver thats only in windows 11, which is why I think it’s not showing up on 10. For some reason I can’t enable it in the bios Because it just turns back off when I go back into the bios.

I was wondering if you managed to get this working. I’m in the same situation on my new FW16 and don’t want to spend another full day reinstalling everything from a clean windows install.

No I haven’t managed to update to win 11 yet, from previous research I read in some threads that you can trick win 10 to update to win 11 without the TPM driver present. But I’ve not had the time to dive further into that solution.

If you could get that solution to work would be great to hear about it. But for now I’m still on 10.

So I managed to get Windows 11 installed. Unfortunately it wasn’t an upgrade. I enabled TPM (this didn’t stay after reboot) and booted into my USB drive.

When I went to install I did the custom install and I selected the drive that had Windows 10 on it. I got a prompt about Windows 10 getting put into a Windows.old folder but wouldn’t be bootable. Windows 11 then did the installation process as usual from there.

I had to reinstall everything. The Steam games I had installed I moved over to the correct folders but still had to verify and download. I’m pretty sure it would have taken the same amount of time if I just re-downloaded them.

So I got it installed. Luckily it was a new install of windows 10.