I can´t finish the windows 11 setup because no Network is being detected


I got my 13th Gen DIY laptop two days ago and assembled it yesterday. When it came to setting up Windows 11 all went well until I was required to connect to a WiFi network. My WiFi module came pre-installed. While reading some Framework guides I noticed that there is a similar problem with Intel during setup but I have AMD. Another guide mentioned that when using windows the WiFi may not work until the driver bundle is installed but not how to work around that during setup. I restarted the Router but nothing changed.

What can I do?

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

If it were me having this, I would check my drawer of usb stuff and look for any old (known to work):

  • Ethernet dongle
  • WiFi dongle

and work around it.

Maybe you or a friend has such a device laying around so you at least keep moving forward.

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You could try the workaround from this post


Thank you both for for the fast reply’s.
Unfortunately we don´t have Ethernet/WiFi dongles at the moment but will be sure to remember since they can be bought. For now I will try the work around and see if that works.

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Shift/F10 When?
All I get is airplane mode on and off.

Hi @Alan_Estes,

I had a similar issue trying to offline install Windows 11 on a machine I built for work.

The Shift + F10 only worked at the LANGUAGE screen, not anywhere else in the install screens.

It threw me off, and I think the installer for the OS was updated and quietly disabled this from the WiFi screen where it worked before.

Luckily I had a USB-C dock with an ethernet built into it (Wavlink) and managed to not get stuck connecting my MS Account to the computer.

Thanks fixed it for me

For what it’s worth, Shift+F10 works at any point during OOBE.

If the key combo was toggling airplane mode, the original poster was probably not pressing Fn. :slightly_smiling_face:

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