I dont like the audio jack gone

Apple claimed that they reduced the power consumption of the processor to preserved the battery. However according to user experiences, both the performance and the battery runtime worsened after the update

No, they reduced the power consumption to stop the phone hard resetting itself when it tried to draw too much power.

If youā€™re going to pick that fight, at least get your facts right.


That may be so but your conclusion still does not make sense. iPhones start shutting down with high power draw on worn batteries, Apple pushes out a fix that limits performance to eliminate said high power draw. Event A led to Event B, there is clear causality. What you are stating is that Event B (nerfing performance) was caused by Event C (Apple wanting to sell more iPhones), completely leaving out Event A (Aging batteries cause unexpected shutdowns).

If the sole goal is to make new iPhones look better, it would make more sense to sandbag performance from the very beginning. You are arguing for a conspiracy that doesnā€™t exist. Even the article I linked to doesnā€™t argue what you are suggesting and nobody would accuse iFixIt of being an Apple apologist.

Iā€™m not even taking a stance on Appleā€™s actions, just pointing out that it does not make logical sense what you are suggesting and no credible outlet has ever suggested the same as you that Iā€™ve seen.

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This is getting off-topic and more than a bit heated.

Actually since the thread has run its course, itā€™s best just to close it.