Input Module Developer Program

We released design files and documentation around Input Modules earlier this year to enable everyone to be able to create their own interesting and useful modules: GitHub - FrameworkComputer/InputModules: Reference designs and documentation for the Input Module system in the Framework Laptop 16

To make development easier ahead of Framework Laptop 16 availability, we’ve created an Adapter Board that allows you to interface Input Modules to any PC over a regular USB-C cable.

To apply to receive a free one, you can submit your Input Module design through the form here:

Note that supplies of these adapter boards are limited, so we will prioritize sending modules out to creators and developers who have electrical and mechanical progress to show.


Can I now request funding for input modules?

This developer program doesn’t include funding at this time. This is documentation, CAD, and adapter boards.


Are these the same size as the 13" laptop uses?

These input modules are only for the Framework-16. There is no system to fit them into the Framework-13.

I would like to express an interest in making these available for sale some day.

The use case is making it so I can remove my customer keyboard from the laptop and use it in a more ergonomic position while I’m at the coffee shop. In other words, convert input modules into external peripherals.

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I doubt it would be stable in a use like that. And this board would be awkwardly hanging off the front. Plus, the keyboards are pretty thin at 3.7mm total. I think they would need a backer / case for real use outside the laptop. People could design and 3d print one, and make a more suitable usb adapter.

These adapters are on Framework’s github by the way. For anyone that wants to build one.

I’m building a full input deck with the same layout as the FW16, along with enclosures for small, medium and large modules.

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Just got my adapter board in the mail – thanks! Now just eagerly waiting for JLCPCB to deliver the board that connects with it.

I had to leave the board ID resistor unpopulated on my prototype, though, since only the “small” input module has its board ID resistance documented. Could we get that fixed, please?