Intel 12th Gen Batch 4 guild

“Payment complete”, “Your order is shipping soon” email received this morning. :smile:

I’ve never been so happy to see my credit card balance so depleted :laughing:.


@mjog Bang on the money!

Haha same here; spent so much this month already and we’re only in the first week.

Does anyone know where our orders will ship from? Had a look on the FAQ but nothing leapt out at me.


From what I’ve been reading on this site I believe the units ship directly out of Taiwan where they are manufactured.

Edit: a post from the batch 3 guild thread noting the tracking info shows Taiwan.

Got my payment taken email, and my money is gone. Not long until it ships now, hopefully.


Shipped direct from Taiwan on a pallet with 100-150 laptops into Australia (or US or France) via FedEx where the pallet should be broken down at Sydney.

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Also, the spreadsheet isn’t very reliable according to Twist so do not make estimations off of it.

Maybe not a bad idea geting one more USB port due to the issue noted above with the display modules draining the battery a bit - although there’s a beta firmware out for those now which may address the issue, so maybe not a big one?

Well that depends on how much credence you put into frequentist statistics, doesn’t it? It’s definitely a biased sample of the Framework customer base as a whole, and probably a bit out of date, but it’s better than nothing and preopably pretty representative of the forum and discord dwelling population. :wink:


Here’s another Australian future framework owner. Spreadsheet updated.


Hello all!!

I ordered a 12th gen DIY 1260p on the 01/10 for the UK market. Went for a Kingston KC3000 SSD and 2x16GB Crucial memory from a different source.

Have yet to receive any updates, other than the initial pre-order email which states Batch 4 ships in October.

Fingers crossed the wait will not be long.


I ordered on 1/9 (for Australia), I got my step 4 email that said the payment went through and it said it’d ship in 1-3 business days 3.5 days ago. Hopefully it ships later today or early next week I guess


Same for me @Meachie. I also got email saying it would ship in 1-3 business days just over 3 days ago. Maybe it will ship today :thinking:, but I suppose I can wait a little longer.

(Edit) Just got my shipment email!, estimated delivery Wednesday next week.


I just got my shipment email, thursday next week is when it arrives


Yes, same here, I just got the shipping email as well. Due Thursday October 13th. :tada: :grin:


Yah just got my shipment email too! Delivery slated for Thurs 13th. :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:



Friday 14th for me :blush:


Nothing for me yet… suspect my request for a British English keyboard may be holding my order up…

Getting very jealous of those who have their ETA’s now… and my HDD and RAM have finally arrived after a trip across Australia…

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Notice with respect to the Spreadsheet:

To the Australian entry owner from 2022-09-09 it appears I have accidently overwritten your name in the list with a string of dashes with a jammed keyboard key. Yours is the only Australian pre-order date entry for the 9th of September presently.

I wasn’t aware at the time I had the keyboard problem that any entries were affected. Having just re-opened the spreadsheet I notice an entry has been “dashed out” and I assume it is from my earlier hassles there.

My apologies for the clumsy keyboard usage. The entry is currently number 299 (though that may change over time).

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Hello guys,
Good to see orders for Batch 4 are going out, even if mostly to Australia for now.
Waiting on update of my pre-order to EU. Hopefully soon. Really exited to get my hands on it.
My current laptop is 7 years old lenovo Ideapad, with various self-repairs and upgrades done over the years, not sure what i’ll do with it once I have framework.


Ordered 12th Gen i5 on 2022-09-18 to Germany. Shipping started on 2022-10-06. It went from Taiwan via China to France but is now stuck in clearance („Clearance delayed - import“). With holidays on the 10th (Monday) in the US I am worried that FedEx will return the items. Is it true that after 3 business days, they return the parcel?

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