Intel Display Driver issue on framework 13 12th gen intel

I’ve been trying to work out why since about october I’ve been getting strange display glitches.

I eventually reinstalled the old framework drivers directly off the website and the issue went away.

Then windows automatically updated my drivers and what do you know, glitch back.

The latest (probably not exclusively) that windows installed seems to be one of issue.

The 101.3222_14343722 in the driver pack resolves the issue.

This was the original issue:

I changed drivers and got this: which at least proved it wasn’t a hardware issue.

Anyway, hope that helps.

I think you must be talking about the Framework 13, as the 12 has only just been announced and isn’t even available to pre-order yet.

Which Intel processor/generation?

you’re right, I’ve updated the title. 13 with the 12th gen intel chip.

Could you update the tag from “Framework Laptop 12” to “Framework Laptop 13” too?

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