Is tax included in the subtotal?

I’m looking at my shopping cart and the subtotal and the full total are the same price. Is the tax included in the subtotal (the price that is normally before tax?)

I assume you’re ordering from the UK? They clearly stated in multiple places that VAT is included in all their prices, but I agree it’s not clear at checkout or on the receipt.

I think the tax line is for the USA where taxes are calculated by state so it’s far more complicated. My guess is that they just built an allowance in for tax into the European pricing rather than try and set up the website to do it. Presumably the company they are contracting to distribute it just charge Framework as part of their shipping fee.

Either that or we’re in for a big argument in February or March!

Thank you for your response but I’m actually buying in California. But I understand what you’re saying. Hopefully this gets the attention of a framework worker.

For the US and Canada, tax is calculated during checkout once you enter your shipping address. If you’re logged in and have a default shipping address saved in your account, tax will also be shown in the bag, but otherwise we don’t have enough information to calculate the correct taxes until checkout.

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Thank you so much for the help