Keyboard backlight quit working?

Keyboard backlight just up and quit. fn spacebar does nothing, any thoughts?

I’d try resetting the keyboard.

You can reset / clear the memory by remapping a key to QK_CLEAR_EEPROM, then pressing that key. Note that this will erase any changes you’ve made in Via (

  1. Go to If this is your first time using the site, you’ll have to authorize connection to your keyboard.
  2. Select a key to remap by clicking on it, the key will start to slowly flash
  3. In the key selection area below, click on the Special section
  4. Select the Any keycode, found at the bottom
  5. Enter QK_CLEAR_EEPROM and press Confirm
  6. On the keyboard, press the key you just remapped
  7. Reload for it to show the change

I did that, but it doesn’t seem to have fixed. :frowning:

I did a couple of times, did with screen recording running the last time.

I appreciate the eyes on this. I’m going to reboot again and if that doesn’t fix, I suppose I can go the support ticket route, but I figured somebody’d seen this before.


Okay; first reboot it came back and I had trackpad but no keyboard.
I also got a rpi2040 bootloader drive that showed up.
I powered down completely, disassembled and reassembled the input deck and booted back up to a backlight.

Thanks MJ1, much appreciated!


Came back to it today and no backlight. Reset and reassemble no helping. Will have to open an support ticket and will update here if I learn anything.

Yes please, my keyboard back light also not working. The number pad is!

Same issue here. My trackpad is also not working

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I found this thread because I was having the same issue - num pad backlight working but keyboard backlight not. wasn’t doing anything to fix it. I was about to shut down and disassemble/reassemble. I closed the lid to move to another room and when I reopened the lid, the backlight was working. Very strange behavior and probably some kind of bug in the software. At least now I have a new first troubleshooting step if this happens again.