Laptop does not boot on the latest Arch Linux Kernel

I am on a laptop (AMD motherboard: AMD Ryzen™ 7 7840U w/ Radeon™ 780M Graphics × 16) with an arch-linux installation done via archinstall-script using systemd-boot.

I just updated my Linux kernel to the latest version that Arch offered ( 6.10.1 arch 1-1) and rebooted. Now my system no longer bots when using that particular kernel.
The way this looks is that basically after selecting the kernel in the quick menu you see for 3 seconds, the screen is just black and nothing happens, at all.

Luckily systemd-boot provides backup kernels, so I’m currently using the last LTS one, where boot etc. works as normal.

Any idea what I can do here to not have to fall back to the LTS Kernel all the time?
Further, any additional information I can collect and forward to whomever? I currently do not think all that great due to illness, so I likely missed something obvious.

Do you have secure boot on and forgot to sign the new image?

I do not. This machine has been doing linux kernel updates for over a year now and I have never signed any kernel ever.

See screenshot:

Found another reason I really, really want to solve this:
The LTS Kernel that I have for some reason does not manage to communicate at all with my nvidia drivers for my eGPU.

Running nvidia-smi returns:

~ % nvidia-smi
NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.

This means that right now my eGPU can not be used for gaming, which sucks a lot while sick.

If it helps, I am running a mainline self compiled 6.10.0 kernel on a FW16 AMD without any problems. I don’t use egpu or nvidia gpu.

That sounds like DKMS didn’t build against the new headers.

I have no idea what exactly happened there, but apparently when I updated my packages the linux kernel and the header files package were incorrectly applied somehow (?).

A reinstallation of the packages linux and linux-headers fixed the issue somehow.