LTE Cat 4 Cell Modem Card

any update on when the next batch will be shipping for the LTE Card?

2 weeks after the first batch goes out. I’ll be sending out an email to batch 1 people regarding the current status.

Was it plug and play?

Hmm perhaps I’m late to the post or didn’t read everything, but how is compatibility with Fedora Linux with this?

Ok, I’m struggling to get this infinite scroll thread to cooperate, so I know I’ve missed some posts, hopefully none that answer these questions.

@Josh_Cook I’m very interested in this stunningly cheap cellular modem module.

A few questions that I don’t think were answered:

  • you’ve said it will be similar size to the existing Ethernet module… any chance I can get a better idea of how far beyond the edge of the laptop it will rest, and if the corners are rounded off? Ethernet module is a target when I have it plugged in.
  • Being as I don’t have an order I didn’t get to see the update email that was referenced… assuming I ordered today, what is your pessimistic guess for how long it would take to ship?

And a more broad question… You said we can order through PayPal if we DMed you info. I can’t figure out how to DM someone on this forum, any advice? There a participation limit I have to hit?

I believe if you click on someone’s profile as so:

You should be able to DM them. AFAIK there’s no participation limit, I may be mistaken though.

Unless Framework changed the defaults, it looks like brand new users can not DM.
Understanding Discourse Trust Levels

He should be able to DM now, seems he’s now Trust Level 1, but he may not have been able to when he first posted.


Just to confirm, it seems that was the case. Shortly after I sent my first reply here, I got a notification saying I was a trusted user and could now DM and do some other things.


When will this batch be shipping?

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just checking in for any updates on shipping?


Would this work in the USA with a T-Mobile Sim Card?
Is yes, would I still be able to order?

Looking to order one of these if they are still available for sale.

pretty sure the chip being used is mentioned above somewhere, should work with t-mobile in the us. John Cook should be letting orders through, though shipping might be delayed a couple months because of his other projects.

It will work, but not optimally.

Wireless signals are divided into bands. This supports bands 2, 4, 5, 12, 13, 25, and 26.

T-Mobile’s network uses bands 2, 4, and 66 as their main medium range high performance bands and uses bands 12 and 71 as their main long range high building penetration bands. So this lacks bands 66 and 71. T-Mobile also has a tiny amount of band 5 (only in Myrtle Beach, SC) and 13 (only in Puerto Rico).

Band 66 and 4 have the same coverage so lacking 66 will just hurt performance, however lacking band 71 will meaningfully effect coverage, especially in areas where T-Mobile doesn’t have band 12 licenses.

Here is an image showing only T-Mobile’s band 12 and 71 coverage. The green areas have band 71 but not band 12, the pink areas have band 12 but not band 71, and the purple areas have both bands 12 and 71. In the green areas this will be unable to pick up any long range or high building penetration signals, effectively crippling coverage.

Edit: T-Mobile does also have band 25 and band 26 licenses, however to the extent that they use band 25 it is used for 5G (and in the future they’re hoping to use it for satellite based 5G service through their partnership with SpaceX) and band 26 is somewhat in limbo. In order to agree to let T-Mobile buy Sprint (the previous 4th largest carrier) the Gov’t required T-Mobile to attempt to sell it at $3.6 billion with Dish getting first pick (the Gov’t is trying to help Dish become the new 4th largest carrier), however Dish’s deadline to buy it recently passed and they couldn’t afford it. T-Mobile’s other bands are 5G exclusive (and therefore irrelevant to discussion of LTE cards).


lart2150’s maps are a great resource.
If anyone needs to zoom in on an area, you can find the map here

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5g laptop when?

You want a laptop that weighs only 5 grams? :question:


Lmao. Not that. I want a laptop that I can upgrade and put a sim card into so that I can get cellular data to be able to use it anywhere using the 5G network

With how small computer & phone components are, couldn’t that be an expansion card? Maybe with some threaded antennas to go on the end? I think the Framework 13 & Framework 16 ports are Thunderbolt 4 / USB 4, so they’re pretty much compatible with anything.