Multiple Fingerprint Sensors (for desktop mode)

My use-case for multiple fingerprint sensors would be when I’m at my desk with external screens and keyboard connected. And the laptop lid is closed so I can’t reach the built-in fingerprint sensor.

Would it be possible to somehow connect a second sensor that I could place near my external keyboard (or build it right into my DIY keyboard, for that matter :nerd_face:)?

I suspect the whole TPM stuff and how the reader is connected will make this hard/impossible :thinking:.

Does anyone know?



I suspect you can purchase things like a USB fingerprint sensor.

Because I don’t know, what can’t you hook to USB?
You can even hook desktop GPUs to one via a “USB to PCIe bridge”. It won’t run fast, but question answered.

A quick google search for windows hello compliant external fingerprint readers brings up multiple lists

Pick one and verify elsewhere that it works-problem solved

Edit:I would disable the built in reader in device manager just to ensure no conflicts-this may be unnecessary, I have no experience with fingerprint readers beyond my iPhone


Thanks for all the answers. My concern was about how this plays with the TPM. I assumed that only the built-in fingerprint reader would be able to store the biometric data in the TPM and that something simply externally attached by USB wouldn’t be as “deeply integrated and secure”.
Another concern is how well this would work in software (I plan on using Ubuntu) when there are multiple biometric devices to choose from depending on the situation (e.g laptop lid open or closed. Secondary unit attached or not.).
I’ll try this out once my framework arrives.


i have no idea what Windows 10 do with the TPM. I know the upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 requires TPM 2.0, but you can install Windows 11 on a device without TPM 2.0 since it’s not required for important system functionality.
In fact I don’t even know what it is for. Quick searches indicate that the TPM is responsible for generating encryption keys.
TPM Overview – Microsoft Docs
The fact that Windows does not store fingerprints on a special location can be revealed as the fact that Windows 10 fingerprint functions without the presence of a TPM module. My guesses are that the reason Windows Hello can work with things like USB fingerprint is that it stores the fingerprint data on the local disk (perhaps somewhere in your user folder), and retrieve the current fingerprint from a sensor. Then it compares the two and decide whether the two have a match.

Unlike Apple, which is basically building black boxes with buttons, ports and screens and removal of anything will brick (if Apple wanted to) the entire device.