Next Gen 16 Board

Do we have any plans or a rough timeline for any future 16 boards? A lot has happened since the Ryzen 7040 – we have had CAMM, and Intel’s new Core lineup, and Arc GPUs.

Who knows? Personally I’d love to see a future board that supports CAMM2, but I also realize Framework’s strategy and economics might not allow for that. Platform fragmentation and the need to support multiple incompatible standards can make things REALLY difficult for a company. We’ll see what the future holds.

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Framework has generally had an emphasis on reduce and reuse. For example they stuck with DDR4 for the 12th and 13th gen Intel boards for the Framework 13 to encourage reusing the DDR4 ram from their 11th gen boards. I don’t suspect we will see CAMM until DDR6 RAM at the earliest.

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