Now Available for Pre-order in UK, Germany, and France

@nrp Are you able to confirm whether you’re bulk shipping to the EU from where individual orders will be sent, or are you trying to send individual orders from the Far East?

That would really help us understand what to expect - the former option is significantly faster and more reliable in my experience. Orders individually shipping from the Far East is usually an absolute nightmare!


My first order here. Will there be an email with a proper invoice or will it be available via the user login?

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It sounds like their fulfillment centre has Lunar New Year holidays:

(Emphasis mine)

Generally “fulfilment” refers to the lasts step for shipping to customers, after which it’s with 3rd parties for delivery.

So I imagine they dispatching individually from east-Asia, not batch shipping to some where in the UK/EU and redistributing locally.

Although I’ll bet they’re using a single courier and just loading pallets of labelled up packages to each of the 3 destination countries, so they just load those pallets onto a plane rather than doing a few individual loose parcels at a time…

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That said, they have a U.S. fulfillment partner, so who really knows…

So I finally got the email stating that “Your order has been shipped” complete with a tracking number. However, without stating who the courier/shipping firm is, this number is useless to me.

Anyone knows who does the shipping for devices to the UK?

It‘s DPD: Batch 8 Guild


@Juan_Durandt most seem to be DPD (UK and Germany certainly are)

Check out the Batch 8 thread for lots of people updating about their progress


Thanks guys! Had a quick look on DPD tracking:

"Your Framework Computer Inc parcel number 841xxxxxxxxxx

Your parcel has been collected from the sender"

Excitement is building up like a kid in a sweets shop!


I’ve just come across a review on ComputerBild (review from the end of January, but it’s been linked to from the framework newsletter just today) with a video featuring a device whose keyboard still looks precisely this way. So unless this test device is still different from the end product, I suppose that these issues are not going to be fixed?


If you are in the Netherlands, Austria or Ireland, I highly suggest you check your mail.

We’re on! I’ve placed my order. Yay! :smiley:


I asked support and they confirmed that this is the final quertz-de keyboard layout

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Hey yall, do you know how much extra cost there is to chip in France?
I guess the 20% VAT, but are there more customs fees?

Edit: Seems like the VAT is already included in the prices.

Are there any news about the ability to purchase aditional extension cards in germany?
I am not really happy with the choice I made, when I speced out my framework and would like to add some more.

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One of their recent blog posts said they were setting up a fulfilment centre in Germany, and that the marketplace would be launched in Europe “Soon”

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Yup, VAT was included and for shipping to .nl, also custom fees are pre-paid and included (so I assume also for France).

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I was hoping for something more specific than “soon”, thanks though.

I confirm. I am French and I received my Framework without paying 20% VAT.
The package comes from Taiwan and it takes about 1 week.

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Order as much gear as you can when you buy the laptop as the postage for anything market place later on is highway robbery at the moment.


Well, we still are banned in Italy and Spain, 120 million inhabitants between the two states, both of them in the eurozone.

In the end, I’ve upgraded myself (it’s dead easy) my Asus Vivobook X712EA bought in October (from Asus e-shop: payed in Ireland, managed in UK, and shipped from Belgium…) and buying some parts (SSD and 16 GB RAM) from and some official Asus spare parts from… Sweden (Zendparts). All goods received as expected in a unique open market. All via UPS to a home in Southern Spain.

I’d like to be allowed to adquire a Framework. It is a good idea as a vision but not always one can wait.


And what are the results after 1.5 year?
Can we expect delivery option for other EU states before 16" preorder?