Hey, maybe I can shed a little light on things.
Unfortunately, Via is… kind of annoying, as you’ve seen. One, it makes available keys for functions that may not be supported on your board. For example, none of the RGB keys will do anything for a board that is not RGB (numpad is white backlight only). Two, Via does not give you any hint on what keys do. You’ll notice there is text that popups when hovering over some buttons, that could give you useful info, but it doesn’t.
BR toggle is not brightness toggle, it’s Breathing Toggle. It should make the backlight fade in and out, aka “breathe”. Why Framework decided to put a novelty like that on the keymap that ships with the keyboards, I really do not know. A number of people have triggered it by accident & posted asking how to fix it / what’s wrong with their keyboard.
Those are actually RGB control keys.
RGB control keys
bright +, bright -
Hue +, Hue -
Sat +, Sat -
Effect speed +, Effect speed -
And of course everything labeled “RGB”
BL Toggle doesn’t work?
I would have expected that to work.
Note the Via is not made by the same Dev team that created QMK. They don’t seem fond of it either. They have been working on a replacement, though progress is a bit slow, as QMK is a hobbyist / free time project, like quite a few open source projects.
Not backlight related, but Via annoyances related / keys that won’t work related. You’ll find other keys for functions not supported / not present on your board elsewhere. In the specia
l section, “audio” keys, “music” keys, clicky keys, mouse keys. Audio, music and clicky are for keyboards that have a speaker as part of the keyboard. Mouse keys are just not enabled in the shipping firmware, an oversight I think. There are also a number of keys within special that only apply if your OS is set to a language which makes use of them & a few that only apply to Mac OS.