Should the stock keyboard that comes with the latest Framework 16 be back lit?
I just received the laptop, with a numpad, as well. the numpad lights up but the regular keyboard does not.
Does pressing. Fn and Space help?
The is another key combination that might also help, but I don’t remember that one.
I have a standard keyboard and it has backlights.
Fn + Space should allow you to toggle between the three brightness levels.
The icon on the space button means keyboard backlight.
The “other” key combination is Fn+W, which toggles the backlight on and off, at least for the RGB keyboard. (I discovered that by accident, when I managed to toggle it off without realizing it and couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get my keyboard backlight to work anymore.)
It should be with fn and space. Even my blank fw13 keyboard has backlighting.
On the other side, adjust the numpad back lights using Fn+[Return] while numlock disabled.
I believe you don’t need Fn to change the brightness. Just pressing the enter key on the bottom right while num lock is off to cycle through the 3 brightness levels.
Yes that works thanks!